So what's happening now is that we are being invited to raise our vibration to one of total trust and perfect peace, such that any concerns for our own well-being in three dimensional reality are completely released.
Further, we are being encouraged to bring ourselves into complete compassion, such that any concerns for the well-being of others, or of wildlife, or of the planet are also released. Compassion trusts the process in which the other is engaged, trusts the experience that the other has chosen for himself, or for herself. And we can do this on the level of communities, on the level of nations, on the planetary level, on the level of our solar system, and on the level of our galaxy. Assume that everyone knows what they are doing, that everything that happens is happening for the highest good of all concerned. Your efforts are not required, as has been stated previously here. Your love and, most importantly, your honour for the other, your trust in the other, is much appreciated and will help to move this glorious process along.
I was talking to a friend the other day and mentioned my daily meditation practice, or part of it, wherein I communicate with planet Earth. My friend's enthusiastic response to my disclosure made me think of bringing it here to you. You know how it is when you sit with a troubled friend, a friend who is going through a challenging process, or has to make a difficult decision. You sit with your friend and you look straight into her eyes with all of your love and all of your regard for her showing clearly. And you say, "I know that you will do what is for the highest good in this situation. I trust your inner knowing - that divine part of you that always brings you through. I know that you will come through this and that everything will work out well. I trust your choices, your abilities and your wisdom. I love you and I support you and I honour you." Well, that is essentially what I offer to our planet. I don't assume that our beautiful, strong planet needs healing. I don't assume that there is anything 'wrong.' I don't assume that our planet needs to be saved by somebody, or even by a group of somebodies. I let our planet know that I have every confidence in Her/Him (all of the energies of our planet, both masculine energies and feminine energies are honoured in this offering that I make every morning). It is an offering of regard, of standing by, but not assuming any weakness or need. It is the same offering that I used to make to the children given to my charge when I worked as a school teacher. It is exemplified for me, by the phrase 'level gaze.' I offer to our planet my level gaze.
But that isn't what I wanted to share with you today. What I wanted to share is that it is so easy! Assume that you have everything that you need. Assume that everything that you choose to have will be yours. And then forget about it. Just let it go. Bring your vibration up to that level of trust, of peace, of compassion. And hold it there as much as you can, given the energies of the people and places around you. In trust, there is no fear of lack, no wondering how or when or who. In peace there is no sense of grievance, of lack, of imbalance. In compassion there are no worries for the well-being of others. There is just this sense of totality of completion, this gratitude for the perfection of the Now, this appreciation for ALL that you are and ALL that IS.
More and more you will find that you can hold your vibration there, your feeling, your whole-self. More and more you will come to realize, with a smile on your face that just doesn't seem to want to fade, that you are living in heaven right here, right now and that you really do have all that you need and all that you choose all the time.
Step into that glow, that vibration of just knowing that all is as it should be all the time. It's so easy!
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