Breathe and accept and love in a quiet way every little thing for itself, just as it is.
Begin with the total acceptance of your essential aloneness. Not bravery in the face of aloneness. Not accomplishment in dealing with aloneness. Not even convincing yourself that you prefer aloneness. None of those. Acceptance. And it is in this way also that we come to acceptance of pain and illness, loss and endings. Acceptance.
It is very quiet. It is a bit dark. It is not joy, not happiness. Yet, it is absolutely beautiful, lovely in a quiet way, like the white and grey of the snow storm on the first day of April.
It is a bit sad. It accepts sadness. It accepts mourning. It accepts grievance.
It accepts everything with a quiet grace that is lovely beyond all else.
We are asked to embody this. We are asked to become this. It precludes all preference and liking and not liking and comfort and discomfort. It is not resignation, or strength in adversity. By this reckoning, there is no adversity. All is perfect whole being. All is as it should be in the Now.
I walked at dawn in the grey light before the storm. Song birds, always hopeful at this time of the year, sang sweetly and the mountain streams laughed their way downhill. The day was perfect, is perfect. Know your own perfection and realize in this way the perfection of all that surrounds you. When you do this, you do this for the ALL, you do it for every human being on this planet.
As it is within, so will it be without. And as you come to this place of divine acceptance - more even - divine appreciation for all, all, all that you encounter - especially yourself, you will create that divine energy as a flow to all the world.
And in that flow, moving out to all that is in the world, are transformation, becoming, allowance, joy.
All of these are your legacy when you bring love into the world.
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