It's been a rough couple of days for me. I can justify it somewhat by saying that there has been a lot for me to assimilate, a lot for me to do and a lot for me to experience and accept.
The truth of the matter is that I have been exceptionally challenged to remain in my truth and to trust.
When the emotions are flowing fast and furious within, trust in All-That-Is and know that all is well in all of creation, even if you don't understand what is taking place, or why, or how it will impact you.
I fell from trust. And my beloved soul-self is under strict instructions from the grandeur that I AM to assist me in any vibration, to match that vibration. The world around me will always do the same. So, when I fall out of trust, the world around me will show me reason after reason why everything is falling apart and trust in the process is seemingly impossible. It's like falling from grace, falling from heaven, falling from the arms of your beloved Wholeness All-Being in the World.
We each have our own vibration and resonance. We each have a truth that goes so far beyond words that to assign words to it does no good - they cannot serve. When we come more and more to live in integrity with that vibration and resonance it becomes more and more painful and difficult to be out of sync with it. Sometimes, people and places pull us out of sync with our own selves and our own truth.
There was a great wind roaring through the trees around my house all day yesterday. Grey clouds scudded overhead and the trees bent and clashed against each other in the high canopy. I went out onto the land to find what I had lost in the high wind and the scudding clouds. A terrible crash sounded deep in the woods as a tree came down. The hemlocks bent almost double in the force of the wind gusts. And I cried out from deep within myself, cried out again and again, roaring with the roaring of the wind. And I released the blocks to my being in my truth. I called to my soul-self to bring me Her clarity and bring it She did. I had fallen out of trust in myself and the consequence was painful and difficult.
Thus do I learn to navigate the high levels of energy, of light, of truth, of an imperative integrity that are surrounding us now. We can no longer stray from our own truths. Not unless we want to experience darkest nights of soul-search wandering that tear us from all comfort. We cannot fall out of trust in ourselves anymore, unless we want to trudge barren deserts of dry yearning for something, anything that will save us. Only we can save ourselves now. Look always to your knowing. Look always to your own still, small voice of divinity within. And trust.
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