In this busy build-up to the Christmas Day feasting and gift-giving and travelling, it is common to feel overwhelmed.
A few days ago, the only demands on my time, apart from the usual chores and work, were to prepare myself inwardly for the energy influx of the full moon, the lunar eclipse and the winter solstice. My focus was all inward and I purposely left myself time and space to be quiet and introspective, being and feeling.
Now, only a few days later, I feel almost besieged by lists of things to be purchased, baking to be done, the house to be prepared for visitors and all the little worries that come when we receive people, especially elderly people, into our homes.
Well, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. I choose the easy way. It involves trust. It is a turning to trust and away from worry. Let it be what it will be. Trust that all is as it should be; that is the natural state of things. All is well. At least three times yesterday, and already once today, I find myself saying the simple word, 'Trust.' It brings me back to allowance of the flow of synchronicity and ease that I know is there in moments of clarity consciousness.
The easy way is to assume that all is well and that all will be well. Do what you choose to do in any given moment and do it with your full attention. Stay in the Now. Know that all of the people around you are responsible for their own feelings and experiences, even the children. Your responsibility does not extend to making sure that everyone you care about has a wonderful Christmas; only they can create for themselves a wonderful Christmas. Your reponsibility is to your own experience of what Is. You can create a wonderful Christmas for yourself and in doing so, you radiate that ease and potential for joy to those around you.
Breathing is immediately and extremely beneficial. It doesn't cost anything either. It will calm you and bring you back to center, which is a lovely place to be. I find myself listening to my thoughts, which are somewhat worrying, critical and judgemental. Suddenly, taking a deep breath, I realize that I really don't want to be immersed in such thoughts. Another deep breath centers me in the calm, trusting peace that I choose and brings me out of those thoughts, out of the mind and into the heart, where all is well.
I offer you one last suggestion, one which I intend to follow over the next few days. Get out. Go outside. Walk in the lowering light of the season, unless you happen to be in the southern hemisphere, or the tropics. Walk in the fresh air and the quiet of the evening or morning. Walk surrounded by the natural world which, just by the way, loves you unconditionally. Breathe deeply of the fresh air. Remind yourself of the wisdom of trusting and flowing with the easy energies of the times in which we live. Trust and center yourself in your heart space, in your own unconditional love. Center yourself in a trust that allows that perfect peace to filter through all of your busy-ness and wash over you. Radiate that peace, which is radiated back to you by the very ground upon which you tred.
By the time you go back inside, to the many tasks which await you, you will be able to take on those tasks with the love through which they were concieved. For do we not take on all of this busy-ness simply because we love? And would we, truly, have it any other way?
Know that you, filled with love, extend that love outward, radiate love and peace, trust and ease as you embody these. Know that you are perfect in your being and your doing. Know that you are loved as you love.
Easy does it, and may the joys of the season be yours.
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