Monday, December 27, 2010

For the World

What we are, we are for the World.

It matters, you see. It matters what we are.

As we feel within ourselves, so do we radiate to all the world. There are no borders here. There is no boundary line that marks the point where I begin and you end. We are. And what we are, we are together. What we are, we are for the World, for the ALL.

When I type it onto the screen in front of me like that, I realize how much I matter. Not in some egoistic way, but rather in terms of contribution to the Whole. And when I contemplate that, I want to become the wisest and most loving Lu that I could ever be. And I intend to be that in 2011. Slowly putting together my new year's resolutions, that one is at the top of the list.

I would be an energy of unconditional love so sure and so all-pervasive that it informs the very air that people breathe. I would speak less and radiate more unconditional love. I would use my mind less and my heart more, listen to my mind less and my heart more. I would be all that I know, deep within my heart, that I AM.

Yet within all of this choosing to be of service, choosing to give of the best that I AM to the world around me, I know too that I must always be in my truth, be true to myself and to my being in the world. Only then is the giving true.

If you knew for certain that the energy that fills you always and invariably radiates out to the world around you, how would you change your vibration? Would you change your vibration? And having perhaps chosen to change our vibrations, can we do so. I believe that we can, and quite easily. I believe that we can be whatever we choose to be through our intention and our turning towards and away from. I wrote a song about it.

Whatever You Say

Whatever you say you can be, you can be it.
Whatever you say, you can be.

You can follow your heart's desire down the highway.
You can climb to the heights or make a garden below.
You can make a new start if that's what you wanna do.
You can change your whole life in a minute or two.

Whatever you say you can be, you can be it.
Whatever you say, you can be.

You can reach out and help this world that you love.
Clean the ground at your feet and the sky up above.
You can make all the waters clean and pure.
You can heal the disease, you can find them a cure.

Whatever you say you can be, you can be it.
Whatever you say, you can be.

You can touch the dear face of God with your heart.
And make a heaven on Earth just by doing your part.
You can live your whole life with sweet integrity,
Be the person you choose; choose the person you're gonna be.

Whatever you say you can be, you can be it.
Whatever you say, you can be.

   I believe that there are no borders between you and me, between this reality that I create and that other reality that you create. That's why it is so difficult to be around people with whom we disagree about how the world is. Their reality comes up hard against our reality and there are all sorts of metaphoric bangs and crashes. What I am affects you, affects this other person, affects the World. And the same is true for you, for what you are.

It matters, you see. It matters what we are. It matters for the world.

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