I received an email invitation to spend time and focus tomorrow, November 11, imagining and envisioning the world as I would like it to be in the days to come. Apparently there will be many people doing this all over the world tomorrow. Together, by our intention and our vision, we create the world anew. It is a beautiful idea, is it not?
When I was a school teacher in Montreal, I used to introduce a similar idea to the children in my English classes. Wishes for the World was the title that I gave to this activity. If you could have any wish for our beloved Earth, and then another and another. Three wishes, let's say.... What would they be?
This proposed activity tomorrow, this envisioning of a new reality for our planet and for humanity, goes a little bit further than three wishes. It is a creation, through imagination, of your deepest heartfelt desire for us all and for our Earth.
I created a posting a little while back that presented my vision for humanity's ascension into a new reality. If you haven't read it and would like to, scroll back a-ways. I think I titled it My Vision for Humanity. But that vision was specific to our becoming more and more an embodiment of the unconditional love, acceptance, compassion, and deep wisdom that we ascribe to God.
This is something different.
How will we live? How will we interact with each other? What will be our relationship with our planet? With the waters upon our planet? With the plants and animals? With energy? With money?
Don't think about how we might get there. Let's pretend that we are already there. Let the voice inside of you that doubts and plans and strategizes and acts as critic... That sensible adult self .... Let that voice take a little break, maybe give it a bunch of numbers to add up and then multiply and divide with. If you're like me, that might keep it busy; that part of my mind really likes to do things with numbers. So, "Off you go, planning part of me, sensible and methodical part of me. I appeciate you! I really do! Just not right now, alright? Look, here's my monthly income and my expenses - can you do something with this, please?" Meanwhile, I'm going out into the realm of possibilities (or supposed impossibilities). I don't mind. I'm going out to play with potentials!
Just as an aside, do you remember playing pretend? Like, actually beginning the play session with the words, "Let's pretend..." And if you do remember it, do you remember how great it was, how much fun it was? And if so, can you tell me why we don't so much do that anymore?
So, maybe put some music on in the background, something you enjoy, something light. Maybe sit in your comfortable chair and since it's getting cold outside, maybe put a blanket over your knees. Lean back in your chair and take a few deep breaths. Maybe close your eyes. ...... Let's pretend.
Let's pretend that you get to choose. You get to choose how the world is going to be. Oh, not like one of those arch-villains taking over the world in a James Bond movie. I didn't mean it that way. I mean, we - all of us - together - get to choose. Your vision is as important as every other vision on this planet, because you get to choose. I get to choose. We, all of us together, get to choose. Your vision, your sense of it, your colours and your feel for it, inform the vision that we together are creating.
So, let your imagination play around with it. People. Animals. Homes. Communities. Roads. Towns. Nations. Schools. Gardens. Cooperative farms. Whatever you are drawn to, whatever comes into your mind, play with it. Fill in the outlines with your own unique vision, informed by your blessed wisdom, your much appreciated wisdom, your innate knowing that is more precious to me, quite frankly, than any amount of gold.
If it is children that you see with your mind's eye, then let it be children. If it is community that you see, then let it be that. When I do this, I always experience the same image - hands held in a circle of hands held and smiling faces and the sound of happy laughter and the totality of the scene permeated with love that knows no end, asks no questions, creates no boundary to its loving. And from there I go on to ..... But I won't tell you today! I'll tell you tomorrow. And please, feel free to enter your vision into the comment area of today's, or tomorrow's, blog, so that we can experience your grace, your knowing, your vision, your wishes for the world.
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