In truth, there is no enemy. There is no danger. There is nothing that we need to protect ourselves from. These statements are touchstones for our sense of ourselves as vulnerable. They scream out our resistance to leaving dualistic concepts of reality behind us. Surely, being attacked, or robbed, or humiliated or murdered.... Surely these experiences constitute danger?! Well yes, they do, in a relative world.
But we are moving into an absolute world, a world of absolute wholeness, absolute unity, absolute beingness in eternal beingness. We are moving into a world, if we dare, where darkness serves the light, where the light loves the darkness, where good is only as good as bad is bad and the two are best friends in service to the ALL.
I didn't say it was easy. Or comfortable. But when you get the panicky feeling in your belly, when you pull back instinctively, or feel that fear, take a deep breath. Then take another. Stay with the uneasiness, or the fear or the panicky feeling. Stay with it; it can't hurt you in itself. Breathe with it and sit with it and ask yourself what it is that you are afraid of. Then picture experiencing that. Picture it in your imagination. What you are actually doing, when you use your imagination, is creating the experience on the level of potentials. It doesn't mean it will actually happen. Just imagine it and ask yourself, "Would this end me? Destroy me? I am soul-self being in the world. Later, I'll be soul-self being somewhere else. So, would this end me?"
I was walking over rough terrain, alone, no one knowing where I was, where I'd gone, no one at home to wonder if I didn't arrive in time for supper, in time to get indoors before the November night fell. I was walking over very rocky ground and suddenly had an image of slipping, my ankle twisted, broken, no way to walk, too far to crawl, no way to make it back to shelter and the safety of the house before nightfall. Take a deep breath, Lu. Would it end me? No, it would not. It would be an experience. Not a very pleasant one. But this too is Life. And I love the world. All of it. Even broken ankles and traffic jams and other painful or unpleasant experiences.
I realized that I didn't need the fear, didn't need the experience of having a broken ankle and didn't need to protect myself in that instance. Oh, a good stout stick to steady me on the rocks - that I needed. But all the rest of it, the drama of it, the good and bad and scary and "I'm so vulnerable..." I didn't need that. Because when we choose Life, you see, we choose all that it is. Accept all that it is. We don't need to protect ourselves from Life. Open. Trust. Accept.
There is a big difference in the energy that fills us when we open, when we trust, when we accept. It feels like golden light surrounding us, joining us, rejoicing with us. When we close, when we fear, when we seek to protect ourselves from the world, from Life's experiences, we shut down, we turn inward, we stop the flow of golden light and find ourselves enshadowed. Protected - yes - but at what cost? Safe - I suppose -although we all die one day, so safety is an illusion anyway.
Courage, my companions! Step out into the borderless, absolute world of the ALL-That-Is. Even when it's stormy here, the weather is just fine.
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