There are parts of us that we don't like. There are parts of us of which we are ashamed. There are parts of us which we are afraid to look at. Some people call these 'aspects.'
These are aspects of our being human in the world. They are expressions of our humanity, attitudes and beliefs that we have been taught or have acquired over the years. They are responses to catalyst, to events and situations. They are fears, hurts, feelings of guilt, of confusion. They are a stubborn refusal to or a holding on to or a wanting... Oh! So much wanting!
These are aspects of our humanity, acquired through our sacred being in the world. They are not 'bad' and they are not 'wrong.' And they are a part of us. They are integral to us. We cannot get to where it is we say we want to go unless and until we bring these aspects of ourselves with us. We can leave nothing behind. All that we are must be included as we take those steps into our divinity and our completeness of Self.
You see, the All-That-Is is inclusive. There is nothing that is not God. God is all there is. We are becoming more and more aware that we are of God. We are coming more and more to embody divinity within our human being and to encompass the mind of God and the heart of God within our consciousness. And this is a natural progression into light and love that all of humanity is moving through, each in his or her own time and by his or her own rhythms. Each person is exactly where he or she should be. Each path is honourable. Each experience is a sacred and integral part of the whole.
How then, can we enfold All that we are into ourselves in love and in light so that nothing is left behind? How can we come to love and honour every single part of us so that we can, indeed, progress as a Whole-Self-Being into the Oneness that is God?
This is what I do and it seems to be working out quite well for me. I honour and respect every aspect of my being. I listen to what my feelings have to say to me. I witness my reactions and responses to catalyst when they occur. My deeply hidden aspects become apparent to me when they surface in reaction to events and as I become more aware through my developing understanding of my self. I do not, and will not, deny or resist any part of my being, feeling or thinking. I do not, and will not, hide any part of myself from myself. I do not, and will not, decry any aspect of my Self. I allow all that I am to be. I accept all that I am. I spend time with each part of me - my fear, my pain, my guilt feelings.... until I come to an acceptance of it, realize that it has served me and how it has served me, and then thank it for its presence in my experience. I thank it for its being, for what it has taught me and for the experiences that it has brought me to. Then, and only then, I release it with love and in joy and gratitude, appreciation and blessing.
Those moments when our response to an event seems to be out of porportion to the event itself are clues to tell us that there is something else there, something hitherto hidden or repressed, alienated, despised. These parts of us - even the smallest of them - must be accepted and brought into the warmth of our love and light. Nothing can be left behind. All that we are, everything that we have ever been, done, said and thought, felt, wished for, feared, or hated - all of that must be fully integrated into our emerging divinity and selfhood. We are being called to fall in love with ourselves. We are being asked to love ourselves so well that there is no part of us that is unloved.
In truth, there is no part of you that is not worthy of being loved. There is no right and no wrong; there is only experience and expression. There is nothing that you are that is not God also.
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