I have questioned the contrast between myself as divine human, living in the Now, from the heart, in complete and joyful acceptance of the divine will of my soul-self, and then that other reality of myself as human being with bills to pay and work to be done and dinner to get on the table.... With a headache and it's garbage day and the car needs an oil change. I have wondered how I could possibly navigate that, navigate back and forth between one and the other.
You guessed it. The toggle switch is the answer.
I feel it as a toggle switch. It toggles back and forth, sometimes very quickly. Actually, these days I'm pretty much always in the Now and living in complete joy and love, but in the near past there has been this toggling back and forth, depending on what was happening around me and how I chose to BE in response to that.
There is a precedent for this sort of toggling back and forth. I would venture to say that we do this whenever we are working our way through a great transition. For that is what we are in now - a transition from one way of being to another way. And the difference between the two is great. I cannot be in fear and worry, lack and loss and yet at the same time be in joy and trust, heaven on Earth and complete acceptance of All-That-Is.
A similar transition comes to mind. It is one that we have all been through. It is the transition from childhood to adulthood. Do you remember how it was? One day you were doing something you had done many many times before, as a child, as that person, and then the next day you were doing something very different, feeling different, trying on this new way of being. You'd get fairly comfortable being all grown up and then find yourself plunged back into childish ways, perhaps through an upset or challenge, perhaps through the influence of a friend who urged you to join in childish games and ways of being.
For years I toggled back and forth between 'all grown up' and 'little Lu' who might never grow up. And I suspect that you had a similar experience when you were transitioning from childhood to adulthood. So, we've done something like this before. We can do this!
We toggle back and forth between blissful acceptance of All-That-Is and frustrated annoyance because somebody took the parking space we wanted at the mall. Christmas shopping can be very challenging; let's face it!
We toggle between love that knows no end and petty worries about money or words spoken or not having enough time.... The reasons why we worry are endless and the love that enfolds them is also endless. And in the Now, the choice is ours. It is our metaphoric finger of intention and will that operates that toggle switch.
Again I come back to the notion of turning to.... Turning to love and away from anything that is not love, turning to trust and away from anything that is not trust.... It is as instantaneous as pressing a toggle switch, a light switch, the 'start' button on the microwave. Toggle to joy and when the world around you pulls at you and the switch toggles back into what has been its default position, just toggle it back again to where you choose to be within yourself.
Eventually, we attain a new default setting - one of unconditional love, joy and acceptance of all that surrounds us. It's not that what surrounds us has changed. It is that we have changed. We are not children any longer; we are adults. We are not human beings any longer; we are divine human beings. We transition into a new energy, one that allows us to hold the love and the light of God right here on Earth. Slowly, as we become accustomed to this new way of being, we toggle back to the old way of being less and less until eventually, all we are is love, is light, is joy. Just as, when we made the transition to adulthood from childhood, we became very slowly accustomed to the new way of being and eventually found that we were less and less willing, or even able, to go back to the old way.
Yet I would say one more thing about this. I would stretch my analogy a bit further. We have not forgotten what it is like to be a child. Not really. When we try to remember, we can. We can relate to the children around us, remembering what it was like to be that little, that dependent, that imaginative, that newly born into the world, remembering what it was like not to know what lay ahead - not to know at all! And so it is with this other transition as well. Having become a divine human in the world, having released all that is not love and not trust and not compassion, we can remember what it is like to be scared, or worried, to be angry or hurt, or afraid that we would not be loved, would not have enough. We do not forget. We bring that with us, lovingly. We bring all that we have ever been with us. More on this in another post.
Toggle switch. Simple. When you find yourself back in the storm of conflicting feelings and needs and fears and wants, take a deep breath, make your choice in the moment and toggle yourself to where you choose to be.
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