I've been a bit too busy over the past few days to write here.
I'm still a bit too busy, but I'm writing here anyway. (smile)
I love writing here.
This is what I have to say about time. There is enough time for us when we feel our way into it. It requires of us that we enter into a timeless state for just a moment. Breathe deeply and feel yourself enter into that timelessness. Once there, we breathe and feel our truth and our flow in the moment. We go from one activity or task to another. We act and react in the course of the day. We flow through time.
There are blocks to this if we are not mindful.
If we lean too far forward into time, anticipating a lack, anticipating a need to rush and hurry, worrying about not having enough time, we will experience these. We will experience need, rush, hurry, not having enough.
If we stop doing that (breathing helps immeasurably with this) and enter into that timeless space, we free ourselves from time's imperatives. They are, in any case, an illusion. We replace them with an inner knowing of the best way forward through our day's demands. We listen to our inner selves and they tell us quite clearly what we will do next. While doing any one thing, we focus fully on that. When we have finished working on that, we again feel into what the next experience and activity will be. This is working with the flow of time and our inner knowing. If we move into a feeling of lack of time, we lose this flow. Stop. Breathe. Reclaim it as your experience of the day. Move on.
When I am in the flow, my day's work is effortless. I get a tremendous amount of stuff done, but not necessarily in the order in which my mind would have organized it. And strangely, I don't feel like I'm working, even when I am. I'm just being. And it's joyful.
So, you'll know you're there by the feel of it. There's no rush, nor is there any desire or need to rest or stop. It feels like just being, yet all kinds of things are getting done. You can, later, have lots of fun checking everything off on your to-do lists. You will have accomplished quite a lot. But strangely, you will also have had an awesome conversation with your friend on the telephone, or read an amazing email that touched you deeply, or watched the sun turn the autumn leaves into a dream of red and orange and gold - not even something of Earth, but something beyond our conception of how beautiful Earth can be.... You will have done and experienced these things, and all the have-to's.
Cool, eh?
Wasn't it Paul Simon who wrote a song with the line, "Have a good time..."
Have a good flow through time, my friends. It begins when you take just that moment to breathe deeply and step out into timelessness for an instant. Feel your center. Feel where you will put your energy next, and then take that sacred step into the divine flow of moments.
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