Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Deep Cleansing in the Moment

I invite you to join with me now in a process of very deep cleansing of self in the world. It goes beyond the physical, beyond the body and into our etheric bodies and the spaces between the molecules in our cells.

It helps greatly, while doing this, to hear the sound of running water. I like to sit by the side of a rock and pepple stream, the water rushing and laughing down and past the spot where I sit, gurgling and pooling and then splashing over rocks to rush away further and further, yet always replaced by more water in a perfect and never-ending flow.

If you can't find a stream or creek by which to sit, you can sit by a fountain in a park, or in your own home listening to the rain fall outside your window, or with the water running into your bathtub slowly, while you soak in its soft warmth as it deepens around you.

Water is filled with joy. Did you know that? It is the most joyful substance on this planet. It loves us so much! It always reflects back to us exactly what we are sending out to the world. It takes into itself whatever we give it. It moves constantly, even when it seems to be still. It transmutes itself into water vapour and then back into cool grey drops of rain. It caresses the Earth, which is its beloved one, as it blankets the world in the form of snow. It graces the land in the form of ponds, lakes and rivers. It enlivens everything in the world that it touches.

This cleansing process is facilitated by water, but it is water's properties, rather than the water itself, that cleanses us. As you sit and relax in a comfortable position, you can close your eyes and imagine the rushing water around you. Hear it and see it with your mind's eye, glinting silvery in the light, flashing white froth and grey-green slide and rushing, rushing, rushing in a continuous shshshshshhshshshshhshshsh that surrounds you. 

Allow the imaginary water to move through your energetic body, to flow lovingly through your etheric body, your auric field, your spaces within. Allow the spaces between all of your words to be washed clean by the flow, the divine and perfect flow, of the water. Rushing, rrrrrruuuuuusshshshshhshshshshhshsing. Rushing. Rushing. Rushing. Rushing. Shhshshshhshshshhshshshs.

Feel your mind cleansed by the rushing water. Feel your cells cleansed and rejuvenated as the spaces between all the molecules are cleansed by the water's rush through. Most of what we are as physical beings is empty space. This space is filled with joy as it is cleansed and purified by the rush, rush of the water.

Feel yourself to be washed clean in ways that you never could have imagined until now, until this very moment, as the imaginary water rushes through and touches you in the places and spaces behind and beside and above body. You are so much more than your body. You are so much more than your molecules. And that, that muchness, that vast limitless energetic beingness that is you, is washed and cleansed and bathed and touched by the loving light-filled silvery bright water conjured through your own imagination.

Here is a poem about the water pictured above. I call that place Eckada - Place of Perfect Beauty. It is in Chester County, Pennsylvania. I waded in the water and wrote the poem.

Eckada – Place of Perfect Beauty – Wading

Wading into the stream of green and black and light and slow,
Eyes closed, heart stop – full stop – opened,
Blessed being. Tender.

Wading feels full, feels muscled and strong,
With large movements made very slowly in the no-time of always Now,
The flow pushing and the push back, only to further experience it, not in opposition.

A near-silent expansive breath of still air above streaming flow,
Above being of rock and sand,
Above water’s slender grace and reflection of Yes,
Above air bubbles and their sweet laughter,
The line between self and world, a delicious love-line of unending joy, stretches           
To infinite space
Around and above the One in the dark stream wading.


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