Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Letting Go in the Moment

I ask for your patience as I introduce this post with an excerpt of a journal entry from January of 2009. It will bring some context to what I am presenting here.

"I watched a long interview by Amy Goodman (Democracy Now - The War and Peace Report at of Robert Redford and I was struck by just how reasonable he is, how rational, calm and creative. He mentioned Fox News and the Republican movement and even when he mentioned these, there was just such a calmness in his being as perfect foil for these others. I am amazed by the shrill noise some make, the panic and fear mongering and wringing of hands. In this interview, Robert Redford reminded me of what we all could sound like, the energy we all could put out there."

What was it that Robert Redford embodied for me that day? Acceptance of what is. Clarity regarding our own choices for our world. Honouring of the choices others make, even when we don't understand them or agree with them.

I call this "letting go" because it asks of us that we let go of dualistic notions about the world, that this one thing is right and this other thing is wrong. That this one thing is of the light and this other thing is of the darkness. That one action comes from love and another comes from hatred. In reality, love is all there is. Light and darkness love and serve each other in a mutual embrace and appreciation of each other's being. Right and wrong will always be relative terms, and no one ever does anything unless they find a way to justify it to themselves as being the right thing to do in that moment.

Letting go of duality is huge. It is a very big step for any of us to make. Ultimately, in our quest to know God, if such is our quest, it is a necessary step. For in God exist all things. God is the totality of All That Is embraced and held in love.

So, if you choose to feel the love of God, you must let go of judgements, of labels that qualify this in relation to that as better or worse.... Everything that is.... is God. Every person is divine on this Earth. Every action, every opinion, is perfect in its imperfection. And the acceptance, no.... go even further..... the appreciation for all that you encounter, the loving act of letting go of right and wrong in your regard for all the world, is what will take you into the heart and the love energy of Creator and Creation.

Blue Wood Aster (Aster cordifolius)

So, the example that I use is a dump truck. You see, I was walking in the forest and came to a lovely meadow. And at the forest's edge, where the meadow becomes the woodland, grew a Blue Wood Aster. It was so delicate and beautiful! And I loved it. I loved its beauty with all my heart. And I gave it all of my love and appreciation. And as I continued to walk, I was filled with this love and appreciation. And it began to spread to everything around me. So, a decomposing tree stump was suddenly so perfect in my sight. The richness of its browns and the depth of its decay entranced me. And the plants and trees and the path through the forest.... these were all so perfect in their being! I was filled with love. Then I got to the parking lot where I had left my car and the gravel and the smooth shine of the car's body were both equally beautiful and perfect to me. And I wondered how far this would go. Where would this love take me? And then a big, noisy, dirty, yucky dump truck went by on the narrow road and it was so loud and sort of grindingly intrusive.... And it stopped at the stop sign nearby and.... It was perfect. It was God. I loved that dump truck! Oh! It was perfectly being a dump truck! And it was World. You see. World..... God expressed. Is there any one part of this creation that you would deny?

You may have read my post about accepting and, ultimately, loving all of ourselves and the importance of that. This letting go of all judgements is the other big step that we have to take. All that is, is Perfect Whole Being. All that is is God. And you can feel this in your consciousness. It might feel foreign. It might feel like coming home. It is integral to the experience of the divine in the world and in yourself. There is nothing that is not God. If something seems to you as if it shouldn't be here, you deny a part of what is God-expressed in this sacred three dimensional realm that we call Earth.

It's hard. It's really hard when we look at things like starvation and torture, cruelty and hatred and prejudice. Yet God is three hundred and sixty degrees of beingness. All That Is. And so are we. So there is joy and pain, loss and gain, and acts of incredible selflessness and acts of incredible cruelty and selfishness and all are a part of this sacred dance of becoming and knowing and feeling that we are engaged in.

Letting go in the moment means accepting the existence of all that is. This is an act of incredible courage and love. It requires a level of trust that may seem unattainable. I can assure you that it is attainable and that it will change your experience of this world.

All is well in all of creation. Let go of all judgements. Allow duality to fall away. Accept and appreciate All-That-Is.

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