Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Acceptance in the Moment

I'm going to write about something that I find difficult to put into words, so please bear with me as I may stumble a bit here.

I've been experiencing a totality of acceptance that is literally Heaven on Earth. Yes, it is exquisitely present only when I am living in the moment, in the Now, but the Now extends into my next moment, and then the next and the next and so on.

It begins when I fully appreciate what I am experiencing. I realize with a joyful sense of total peace and contentment that I don't wish to change a single blessed thing. And then that acceptance and appreciation radiate outward to include everything that is in my Expanded Now, which is to say, everything of which I am aware on any level. So, my body, the contents of my fridge, my home, my day's activities, the state of my finances, the state of my floors (freshly swept this morning), the sky, my relationships with the people around me, the state of the world-whole, the ALL....

And it's not always because everything is so decidedly wonderful. Yesterday afternoon, I drove for an hour to spend an hour with my mother because she is becoming quite emotionally dependent on me lately. I could have felt burdened, or stressed by the demands that she is making upon my time. I could have felt uneasy about where her dependence on me will lead us both. I didn't. I just didn't.

I accepted. I loved the moment that I was in as I drove. I TRUSTED.

I trusted her. I trusted myself. I trusted the process through which we both are moving.

So it is when I listen to the news broadcasts. I trust that all is as it should be. This is not a reasonable thing to do, given the news lately, given the pain and suffering that exist among my fellow human beings on this, our beloved and seemingly beleaguered Earth. It is not reasonable. It is trusting. It is accepting. It is unconditional love for what IS.

Breathing deeply helps to bring this total acceptance into us. Love that asks no questions, that requires no confirmation or response, leads us to this place of peace.

The overriding sensation is of stillness. I have no need in the moment. There is nothing that is not perfect in its being. I have no desire. No want. No preference, even. All is well. All is as it should be. I know I already wrote that, but it is the wellspring source of this peace filled acceptance and needs to be fully felt in the entirety of its truth.

All is as it should be.

Perhaps a poem would help here.


I was standing in a light,
Still beyond all stillness
No change beyond the All that is all-changing

So being in that whole-self-standing
Light begets light and the darkness loves
Beyond all reason

No need to change anything.

Now, that doesn't mean that I won't play at changing things. I'm currently making my path through the forest and came up against a fallen tree that's right where I want my path to go. A good pair of long-handled clippers and a hand saw are my tools. I will make that path go through to the sunlit clearing that still sings with the summer song of insects just beyond that fallen tree. Yet, I enjoy everything about the moment - even the challenge, the obstacle of that fallen tree. The ache in my arm as I saw away at the branches is part of the perfect process of being in the world that wraps me in its loving embrace.

Tomorrow, I'll write a bit more about being in the world through our conscious choice and constant choosing, for I see that this acceptance in the moment truly begins there.

Blessings of joy be yours and may you know the totality of peace that accompanies true acceptance in the moment.

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