Thursday, January 30, 2014


I read a weekly news magazine called Macleans. It is Canadian as I am Canadian.
It gives me a look at the world. They cover international news quite well and trends in cultural and social aspects of the world around us.

I keep coming across articles in this magazine that fill me with joy. For the news is good. The news is so very good.

Peace is breaking out all over the world. Former enemies are talking to each other and working to create agreements that can last.

People all over the world are coming up with amazing ways to solve problems, be they social, environmental or technical.

Information is spreading and the idea that everything should pretty much be freely shared is gaining ground.

I keep reading about people taking more responsibility for themselves, coming up with grassroots solutions and making the world a better place.

Check out but really, it is everywhere!

I love the world. The world is recreating itself right before our eyes and it is marvellous.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Soul to Sole

Breathe deeply into your heart. Again, breathe deeply and lovingly into your own heart.

Feel the soul of you, that which is divine in you, as it expands and brightens in your heart.

Breathe again and as you exhale, send that sacred soul energy that resides in your heart all the way down your body and into the soles of your feet.

Your root chakra is an energy center that comprises your legs and feet as well as the very bottom of your torso. Feel the connection to the Earth and to all living things that is in your feet.

Breathe normally now, and focus on your feet. Wiggle your toes, move your feet, and give your attention to that part of your body.

Feel the divine being that you are, your soul wisdom, the compassion and unconditional love that is your soul's essence. Feel this filling your feet.

Imagine that this energy of your soul is a golden light. That golden light fills your feet and your soles are holding that energy and then sharing it with Earth.

Bring your soul down into your soles and feel the joy that becomes your everyday experience!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Creating Through Frequency II

Most of the time, we begin our day on our own terms. At the very beginning of the day, we are in a relative state of flow and we would love for it to continue like that.

What happens is that we begin to pick up other people's vibes, or frequency state. And we allow that to change the way we feel. If someone around us is feeling hurried and bummed out, we often begin to feel more hurried and bummed out. But it isn't ours. It's theirs.

Choose a frequency. It might be calm. It might be excited and happy. It might be joyful. Be in that frequency no matter how the people around you are being. Try it. See how it feels. You don't have to change the way they are being, you just have to not allow the way they are being to change your vibe. If you are feeling sad or anxious and you are with someone who is feeling calm and accepting of all that they experience, you might decide to take on their frequency. But usually, choose your own frequency state and see if you can hold that.

There is a reason why we tend to match our frequency state to the frequency state of the people around us. We want to fit in and be accepted. We don't want to be outside of the group. This is a very powerful instinctive desire on the part of all humans. We want acceptance by others. Matching their frequency is usually a pretty good way of making sure that we will be accepted. But this is a fear-based need. We are afraid that if we don't match their frequency, we will not be accepted and then we will be on our own. That might have been true a thousand years ago, but it isn't true for us now.

So, clear that fear by being aware of it when it comes up in you and sending it a golden light of unconditional love on your breath as you inhale and exhale slowly three or four times. Send acceptance and love to that fear and then let it fade away. That leaves you free to choose your frequency and to practice holding that frequency.

One of the most powerful ways to choose a frequency and to stay in that frequency is to straighten your spine and speak from your heart. Bingo. You'll be in your truth and from there you can consciously choose your frequency.

The frequency that you are radiating will bring to you more of that. So if it is happiness, you'll experience more happiness. If it is anxiety, you will experience more anxiety. So, it is really important that we become more and more aware of what we are ... energetically. What are you? Are you calm? Are you nervous? Are you joyful? Are you worried, troubled, judgemental, angry.... Grateful, happy.... whatever you are, that is what the always becoming world around you is going to give you more of. This is always true.

So, check in with yourself. How am I feeling? What is my frequency state right now? And is it mine, or am I picking up the energies of someone else and taking them on as my own?

As you begin to take responsibility for your own frequency, you become a conscious Creator of your own experience, your own reality.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Be True to Where You Are

Right now, today, be true to whatever you are experiencing.

This seems so simple and yet it is the most powerful practice for all of us at this time.

We can be here and now and in acceptance of where we are and what we are and what we are experiencing.

In this is the ground of transformation and the becoming one thing that used to be another.

Be true to your experience. Be true to your feelings.

This is your impact, your strength. This is your ability to change the world. Right here.

Right now.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Five Questions

You have five questions to ask. What is your first question?

Why am I drunk / drugged / distracted / numb?

You are afraid and you are trying not to face your fear because you think that it will destroy you.

What am I afraid of?

You are afraid of being nothing, of being meaningless, of being void. You are afraid that you are nothing in a world that means nothing and that you have no worth, no value, no connections, no truth that is really true.

How can I move forward from this? How can I save myself from this!!??

You can ONLY move forward from this by facing your fear. There is no other way. The only way is to face your fear fully, without trying to get away from it. Once you have done this, truly done this, you will be free, more free than you have ever been in your entire existence.

How can I face my fear?

You must breathe deeply into your heart, breathe deeply into your body, do this three times. You must allow the fear to make itself known to you, allow yourself to feel it, allow yourself to face it fully. You must make the declaration: I am afraid of … and name all that you are afraid of. You must not allow yourself to run from this, to distract yourself from this. You must spend time with this, looking at your fear until you can look at it with complete acceptance, complete neutrality. Then, you must go further, accepting yourself as one who has this fear within them, accepting that this fear is yours. Then, send love to yourself, who has this fear and send love to the fear also, as an experience that has served you as you become the person who transcends fear. When you have truly done all of these things, you will be changed from within.

Last question…

What is there, after the fear?

After the fear, there is the choice to be made as to where you want to go next in your evolution as a soul in human form. You may choose to approach the divine, God, the Creator. You may choose to explore the mysteries of life and of the world. You may choose to explore the pain and suffering of others. You may choose to explore compassion or pure love or the darkness of the world. When you have faced your fear, you can explore anything, look at anything, approach anything. When you have faced your fear, you are free to apprehend and become whatever intrigues you or calls to you. But forever after, whenever something repulses you or makes you feel afraid / uncomfortable / sickened within you must go towards it, face it, come to accept it and to love it for giving you yet another experience for that which you are as a soul in human form. For if you do not do this, you will once again be trapped in fear.

With five questions in one hour your life is potentially changed forever. To book your personal counseling session and have your five questions answered, go to