Wednesday, December 25, 2013
The Rhythm of the Universe
I enjoy being wholly present in the Now, from the Heart. This requires that I slow down to the rhythm of the Universe.
This is a rhythm that is markedly slower than most humans are. Slow down and quiet your breathing. Now slow again, as if matching the pace of trees growing or your own soul's knowing.
It feels as if the world is very still when we are within this rhythm. It feels like the rhythm of really good poetry. It feels like the rhythm of a well-performed ritual. It feels like the solemnity and sacredness of a moment of transition or of miraculous insight.
By slowing ourselves to this pace, we bring ourselves into a different way of being. It is one which I now enjoy very much.
Some call this fifth dimensional being. Some call this Ascensional being. Some call this divine human being.
When I am in this way of being, I know no lack, nor fear of lack. I know complete peace with what is and what was and what will be. I know gratitude, joy, appreciation of all that I encounter. And for me, it often begins with this slowing to the rhythm of the universe. You'll feel it. You'll feel it within you and know it. Ah. It will feel like a great relaxation and a coming home. Ah.
A deep breath and then another and then another. These three will invoke the slowing and coming into the rhythm, the sacred and perfect rhythm of the Universe.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Body Issues
Today, I am in so much pain that I can barely move. It will pass, I hope.
What I ask of myself is complete acceptance of this experience and of every experience. This acceptance is the gateway to unconditional love of self.
And this unconditional love of self is necessary if we are to experience heaven on Earth.
So, I explore unconditional love of my self, unconditional love of my physical body, which is the part of myself that I have had the most difficulty with loving.
My body is not beautiful in the way that we define beauty these days. It is fifty-four years old. It is short and squat and broad and fleshy. It is often unable to do the things that I would like it to do. I often experience pain in my body, or discomfort.
Yet my body is a miracle of being. It is a biological electro-magnetic and energetic vessel of consciousness and experience. It is my passport into and through the realm of the physical, and it is in the realm of the physical that I have pledged to create a turning of dark into light, of fear into love and of despair into joy.
I have looked long and hard in the bright cold light of a winter day at the image of my body in a full-length mirror. And I have forgiven my body for not being what this society tells me my body should be. I have come to see my body as perfect just as it is. It was not easy for me to do this, and it did not happen quickly. It took a long time and I had to admit my own feelings of self-blame and self-loathing before I could move into the self-acceptance that truly does feel like a miracle of love.
The path to this is one of unconditional love. Love the part of yourself that has not loved yourself. Love the part of yourself that has judged yourself as unworthy, your body as fat, your legs as too short and then love the part of yourself that is your body, is your legs and belly and thighs. Then move on from there, always with more love, always with more acceptance of the truth of your being.
It is through my body that I am able to be love in the world. It is through my body that I am able to court the frequency of unconditional love and to share it, to ground it into the Earth and to radiate it out to others. It is through my body that I am able to create and experience heaven on Earth.
I am celebrating the wonders of my physical body, seeing my physical body in a new way, as a vessel for what I AM.
What I AM is love. What I AM is love in the world. It is not so easy to be love in the world as it is to be love in some celestial paradise. I made a pledge to be love in the world. And a part of that work, a large and difficult, but essential part of that work, is to love my own body, just as it is.
What I ask of myself is complete acceptance of this experience and of every experience. This acceptance is the gateway to unconditional love of self.
And this unconditional love of self is necessary if we are to experience heaven on Earth.
So, I explore unconditional love of my self, unconditional love of my physical body, which is the part of myself that I have had the most difficulty with loving.
My body is not beautiful in the way that we define beauty these days. It is fifty-four years old. It is short and squat and broad and fleshy. It is often unable to do the things that I would like it to do. I often experience pain in my body, or discomfort.
Yet my body is a miracle of being. It is a biological electro-magnetic and energetic vessel of consciousness and experience. It is my passport into and through the realm of the physical, and it is in the realm of the physical that I have pledged to create a turning of dark into light, of fear into love and of despair into joy.
I have looked long and hard in the bright cold light of a winter day at the image of my body in a full-length mirror. And I have forgiven my body for not being what this society tells me my body should be. I have come to see my body as perfect just as it is. It was not easy for me to do this, and it did not happen quickly. It took a long time and I had to admit my own feelings of self-blame and self-loathing before I could move into the self-acceptance that truly does feel like a miracle of love.
The path to this is one of unconditional love. Love the part of yourself that has not loved yourself. Love the part of yourself that has judged yourself as unworthy, your body as fat, your legs as too short and then love the part of yourself that is your body, is your legs and belly and thighs. Then move on from there, always with more love, always with more acceptance of the truth of your being.
It is through my body that I am able to be love in the world. It is through my body that I am able to court the frequency of unconditional love and to share it, to ground it into the Earth and to radiate it out to others. It is through my body that I am able to create and experience heaven on Earth.
I am celebrating the wonders of my physical body, seeing my physical body in a new way, as a vessel for what I AM.
What I AM is love. What I AM is love in the world. It is not so easy to be love in the world as it is to be love in some celestial paradise. I made a pledge to be love in the world. And a part of that work, a large and difficult, but essential part of that work, is to love my own body, just as it is.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Help Yourself
I was feeling sludgy unpleasant energies in me. I was feeling emotions that brought me down in my frequency. I was feeling ego concerns and some anxiety.
I began to make myself feel much better. I will share with you what I did so that you can do it for yourself if you choose to.
I lay down and took some deep breaths. I identified what I was feeling, and realized that I really didn't like it and didn't want to be feeling that way.
I began to imagine warm salted water, like the water in the seas and oceans of our beloved Earth, but nice and warm, washing through my being. I felt how the warm waters were cleansing me. As I did this, I continued to breathe deeply and slowly.
Then, I imagined the beautiful violet flame of transmutation cleansing and transmuting those unpleasant energies. The violet flame is a healing and transformation tool for all of us to use. You can research it on the internet if you would like to know more about it. But if you just want to use it simply without knowing more, imagine a cool, magical violet flame. It is composed of pink, blue and golden light. Together, these colours make the violet flame. It dances gently about and where it goes, it transforms energy to pure love and peace. It can only do this when you are ready to allow love and peace to come in.
After I brought in the violet flame, I realized that I was working first with water, as in the west, and then with fire, as in the south, so I thought about light and the energies of the east. I brought in another beautiful and powerful tool that we all can work with to help ourselves. I brought in the golden light of the Christ energies. We can do this by envisioning the golden light flooding into our body and heart. We can do this by filling our heart first with the golden light and then sending it all through our body and our being. Or we can do this by invoking the name of Yeshua, which carries the golden light of the Christ for us. This energy is profoundly loving, peaceful and compassionate. It is profoundly healing, as it brings us into full acceptance of what is. And this acceptance is always the first step to true healing. This golden light is unconditional love and it feels like heaven on Earth. In fact, when we bring this golden light in, or invoke the name of Yeshua, we are helping to create heaven on Earth by doing so.
Finally, I thought about the energies of the north, which is associated with earth, with stone, with crystals and with manifestation. By now, I was feeling filled with love, joy and peace. From the north, I saw crystalline energy, pearly white and shining and filled with a sense of vast potential to become. And I saw this crystalline energy moving toward me like a promise of divine grace becoming more and more visible in my world. It was vast and powerful and so pure and true that I could only be in awe of it.
So, when you feel sludgy and down, imagine warm salted water washing your energy field, then the violet flame of transmutation working to cleanse you of all that is not love within your field, then the golden light of Yeshua, of the Christ, filling you and then finally feel the crystalline energy that you and I are literally becoming.
Help yourself!
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Creating Through Frequency
What we are feeling informs us and colours our energy. Our energy is our frequency.
(You can find out a lot about creating through frequency in my book, The Frequency of Joy. Go to and search for Lu Emanuel. There you will find my books. The Frequency of Joy will give you a clear instruction manual for creating through frequency.)
We create by being what we are being. Our energy creates what we experience. We cannot now use our minds to create our lives. It is our frequency and our being that creates our lives.
That is all. It is very simple, yet changes everything.
So, it is now a practice to adjust our frequency in the eternal now moment. From a frequency of worry, move yourself to a frequency of trust in the divine flow. From a frequency of resentment, move yourself to a frequency of gratitude.
And so on.
That is the way forward for me and I believe that it is also the way forward for all of us. There is great joy in realizing ourselves through our frequency. Our experiences unfold from us as we radiate the frequency that we choose. Choose wisely.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
A Potential Way Forward for You
There is a practice going on within me that I would like to share with you.
It has multiple components, but they are all very simple. Together, they transform the Self.
The first is physical. Bring the divine that you are, meaning the unconditional love that you are, into the soles of your feet on a regular basis... whenever you think of it, whenever you become aware of your feet.
The second is emotional. Radiate from your heart unconditional love for all that you experience, both within yourself and outside of yourself.
The third is mental. Be here and now. Whenever you find yourself projecting back into the past or forward into the future, just bring yourself back to here and now.
Other aspects of this practice are to slow yourself down so that you can sense the rhythm of the Universe... by slowing your self down, quieting your mind and feeling for it, you will feel it. It is quite slow... like our breath when we are meditating... or our being fully present for a friend, as that friend is trying to come through with the words to say something really difficult to express.... it is mindful presence.... very slow. When you do this, you will feel the rhythm of the universe. When you align yourself with that rhythm, you will experience divine grace.
Within that slow universal rhythm, you can ask yourself the question: What is true for me now?
And the practice becomes the journey. Wondrous grace and joy unfold from this practice. By aligning ourselves physically, emotionally and mentally in this way, and then slowing ourselves to the rhythm of the Universe, we realize profoundly that we don't want or need anything to change. We surrender into what is and this changes everything for us.
It has multiple components, but they are all very simple. Together, they transform the Self.
The first is physical. Bring the divine that you are, meaning the unconditional love that you are, into the soles of your feet on a regular basis... whenever you think of it, whenever you become aware of your feet.
The second is emotional. Radiate from your heart unconditional love for all that you experience, both within yourself and outside of yourself.
The third is mental. Be here and now. Whenever you find yourself projecting back into the past or forward into the future, just bring yourself back to here and now.
Other aspects of this practice are to slow yourself down so that you can sense the rhythm of the Universe... by slowing your self down, quieting your mind and feeling for it, you will feel it. It is quite slow... like our breath when we are meditating... or our being fully present for a friend, as that friend is trying to come through with the words to say something really difficult to express.... it is mindful presence.... very slow. When you do this, you will feel the rhythm of the universe. When you align yourself with that rhythm, you will experience divine grace.
Within that slow universal rhythm, you can ask yourself the question: What is true for me now?
And the practice becomes the journey. Wondrous grace and joy unfold from this practice. By aligning ourselves physically, emotionally and mentally in this way, and then slowing ourselves to the rhythm of the Universe, we realize profoundly that we don't want or need anything to change. We surrender into what is and this changes everything for us.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Being in Your Truth
I was talking with my husband. He is not one who believes, as I do, in the unconditional love that is sweeping our world, in the golden light that is flooding our cells.
I was speaking with him and I suddenly felt the imperative to speak my truth to him. I knew that he wasn't very receptive to these kinds of words. I knew that he didn't particularly want me to speak of these things, things like love and honouring of all people.
My husband and I get along really well, but we are usually talking about the day to day details of our lives, or things happening in the world around us, people we know, plans we have to cook a meal for a friend or to do some yard work or something. We joke around a lot together also. I knew that this communication would be very different than any of that.
I sat up a little bit straighter in my comfortable chair as I faced him with love and honour of all that he is. I spoke from my heart. And as I did this, I changed. And the energy in the room changed. My speech was slower and more weighted as I spoke. The energy emanating from me was different. I was speaking my truth and it made all the difference to me. It felt marvelous!
I didn't say much. I just spoke what was in my heart in that moment. There was nothing rehearsed. I had not prepared anything. And I was NOT attached to any outcome as I did this. It did not matter to me what his response would be. It mattered tremendously to me that I spoke from my heart.
Every single time that speak from my heart of the truth that is in me in that moment, I feel as if I am speaking from a place of divine wisdom, grace and unconditional love. And I don't think that this is because I am different than you are, or than anyone is. I think this is because whenever any of us speaks from our hearts of the truth that is in us in that moment, we speak from a place of divine wisdom, grace and unconditional love.
And as we do this, we bring more of these energies into the world. We bring divine wisdom. We bring divine grace. We bring divine and powerfully transformative unconditional love. We give these to the world when we speak our truth from our hearts.
This is what I call 'being in my truth.' Indeed, I don't actually have to say anything. I can center myself in my heart, in that place of divine energy, and radiate that out to the world without using words. If I do decide to speak, I do it slowly, from the heart, and that energy is contained in my words.
My husband heard me that day. He honoured my expression of my truth and then we proceeded on with our shared lives. It didn't seem to change him very much. But I can assure you that it changed me deeply and forever.
I was speaking with him and I suddenly felt the imperative to speak my truth to him. I knew that he wasn't very receptive to these kinds of words. I knew that he didn't particularly want me to speak of these things, things like love and honouring of all people.
My husband and I get along really well, but we are usually talking about the day to day details of our lives, or things happening in the world around us, people we know, plans we have to cook a meal for a friend or to do some yard work or something. We joke around a lot together also. I knew that this communication would be very different than any of that.
I sat up a little bit straighter in my comfortable chair as I faced him with love and honour of all that he is. I spoke from my heart. And as I did this, I changed. And the energy in the room changed. My speech was slower and more weighted as I spoke. The energy emanating from me was different. I was speaking my truth and it made all the difference to me. It felt marvelous!
I didn't say much. I just spoke what was in my heart in that moment. There was nothing rehearsed. I had not prepared anything. And I was NOT attached to any outcome as I did this. It did not matter to me what his response would be. It mattered tremendously to me that I spoke from my heart.
Every single time that speak from my heart of the truth that is in me in that moment, I feel as if I am speaking from a place of divine wisdom, grace and unconditional love. And I don't think that this is because I am different than you are, or than anyone is. I think this is because whenever any of us speaks from our hearts of the truth that is in us in that moment, we speak from a place of divine wisdom, grace and unconditional love.
And as we do this, we bring more of these energies into the world. We bring divine wisdom. We bring divine grace. We bring divine and powerfully transformative unconditional love. We give these to the world when we speak our truth from our hearts.
This is what I call 'being in my truth.' Indeed, I don't actually have to say anything. I can center myself in my heart, in that place of divine energy, and radiate that out to the world without using words. If I do decide to speak, I do it slowly, from the heart, and that energy is contained in my words.
My husband heard me that day. He honoured my expression of my truth and then we proceeded on with our shared lives. It didn't seem to change him very much. But I can assure you that it changed me deeply and forever.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Uncertain Ground
We cannot go by what we have been in the past, what we have experienced in the past.
We cannot base our present being on what we used to be or what we used to do. There are no assumptions that make sense anymore, at least not to me.
The choice is always made in the moment.
So make the choice in the moment, not based on anything that has been, but on what is now.
We cannot base our present being on what we used to be or what we used to do. There are no assumptions that make sense anymore, at least not to me.
The choice is always made in the moment.
So make the choice in the moment, not based on anything that has been, but on what is now.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Right Where You Are
Every moment is fine, just as it is.
There is an incredible peace that permeates one's entire being, one's entire life, when one is not trying to be anything, to get anywhere, to change anything.
Every moment is fine, just as it is.
Being in the now is this acceptance of the moment that one is experiencing.
Being in this acceptance is an opening of a door to unconditional love.
Unconditional love is a profound healing of all that one is.
Feel it. Court it. Bring it into you through your breath.
Every moment is fine, just as it is.
There is an incredible peace that permeates one's entire being, one's entire life, when one is not trying to be anything, to get anywhere, to change anything.
Every moment is fine, just as it is.
Being in the now is this acceptance of the moment that one is experiencing.
Being in this acceptance is an opening of a door to unconditional love.
Unconditional love is a profound healing of all that one is.
Feel it. Court it. Bring it into you through your breath.
Every moment is fine, just as it is.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
How to Make it Easy
Give permission to yourself to transform into something new.
Give permission to your body to change, to respond to the new energies flooding our planet.
Give permission to yourself to experience new things, new sensations, new realizations.
I felt the need to give permission to myself for this change, this transformation. All the way into my heart, into my cells, into my DNA, I felt the need to give permission at those levels. So I did give permission. I said it out loud.
And I felt the change. I felt the difference.
Do this. Do this intentionally. It will help.
Give permission to your body to change, to respond to the new energies flooding our planet.
Give permission to yourself to experience new things, new sensations, new realizations.
I felt the need to give permission to myself for this change, this transformation. All the way into my heart, into my cells, into my DNA, I felt the need to give permission at those levels. So I did give permission. I said it out loud.
And I felt the change. I felt the difference.
Do this. Do this intentionally. It will help.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Time Change
We will be experiencing the autumn ritual of putting our clock back one hour in about 10 days as I write this. Time change.
The truth is that we have left linear time behind and we are invited now to experience time in a new way.
Time is simply a series of Now experiences.
Try something new with time. Experiment with not worrying anymore about what the clock says.
Explore being in moments and tuning your frequency to joy, to ease, to peace within and without.
In this way, you will flow through the moments in an easy and blissful way.
Time for sleeping, time for eating, time for making that phone call.... all of this is becoming much more flexible and loose. Let this happen by loosening up your own sense of time.
Don't worry about time anymore... either trying to fill it up so that your life will not be empty, or not having enough of it to experience all that you would like to experience.
Flow through moments and experience time in a whole new way.
The truth is that we have left linear time behind and we are invited now to experience time in a new way.
Time is simply a series of Now experiences.
Try something new with time. Experiment with not worrying anymore about what the clock says.
Explore being in moments and tuning your frequency to joy, to ease, to peace within and without.
In this way, you will flow through the moments in an easy and blissful way.
Time for sleeping, time for eating, time for making that phone call.... all of this is becoming much more flexible and loose. Let this happen by loosening up your own sense of time.
Don't worry about time anymore... either trying to fill it up so that your life will not be empty, or not having enough of it to experience all that you would like to experience.
Flow through moments and experience time in a whole new way.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Life and Death
We used to leave through death if it got too hard for us here on this planet, or if we were tired of being in the dense energies of the physical realm. But now, we are transforming ourselves while in the physical body. We are also transforming our world, lightening the load, so to speak, by lightening the frequencies and this makes it easier for us to stay here.
I have dearly struggled with being in a physical body over many experiences in this lifetime, and have had suicidal thoughts and a frequent longing for the release of death. That ended for me some years ago, but I remember very well how intense the longing for release was. And it was not just mine; it was the longing of the human collective that I was feeling.
The work that I do now is to send unconditional love to those parts of me in every time and in every situation that wanted to leave, wanted to end it because it was too dense and too difficult. And this work is incredibly important. So every time that you bring yourself back from that deep and dark place that longs for release, you do this not only for yourself alone, but for all of us.
Send that unconditional love which lives in your heart and is always there. It only takes a moment and the work is thus done.
We are bringing the relief, the lightness, the pure love and the joy of the other dimensional realms here into this physical realm while we remain embodied. We are transforming our bodily existence so that it is not so very dense, so low and so difficult. We are doing this now.
How I have longed for this as a release from an almost unbearable heaviness.
And I kept wanting to win the lottery. The millions of dollars were a symbol of that release, that freedom from want, from fear... But they could not have purchased it. I know that now, very clearly. They could not have purchased it.
There are millions, perhaps billions of people on this planet who believe that having millions of Euros or dollars can purchase that release. But this is not true and has never been true. Only the Ascension itself can bring us that release.
When we no longer spurn the physical and secretly long for the sweet release of death, we will have turned a corner and brought ourselves into a new way of being in the world.
As when we no longer look for God outside of ourselves... it is the same thing, in a way.
We are the agents of our salvation. We are the creators of our heaven. We are the ones who release our own selves within this incarnational experience.
It is a huge thing to wrap our knowing around because it has never been this way before.
Never. Ever. Ever.
We are transforming life and death.
I have dearly struggled with being in a physical body over many experiences in this lifetime, and have had suicidal thoughts and a frequent longing for the release of death. That ended for me some years ago, but I remember very well how intense the longing for release was. And it was not just mine; it was the longing of the human collective that I was feeling.
The work that I do now is to send unconditional love to those parts of me in every time and in every situation that wanted to leave, wanted to end it because it was too dense and too difficult. And this work is incredibly important. So every time that you bring yourself back from that deep and dark place that longs for release, you do this not only for yourself alone, but for all of us.
Send that unconditional love which lives in your heart and is always there. It only takes a moment and the work is thus done.
We are bringing the relief, the lightness, the pure love and the joy of the other dimensional realms here into this physical realm while we remain embodied. We are transforming our bodily existence so that it is not so very dense, so low and so difficult. We are doing this now.
How I have longed for this as a release from an almost unbearable heaviness.
And I kept wanting to win the lottery. The millions of dollars were a symbol of that release, that freedom from want, from fear... But they could not have purchased it. I know that now, very clearly. They could not have purchased it.
There are millions, perhaps billions of people on this planet who believe that having millions of Euros or dollars can purchase that release. But this is not true and has never been true. Only the Ascension itself can bring us that release.
When we no longer spurn the physical and secretly long for the sweet release of death, we will have turned a corner and brought ourselves into a new way of being in the world.
As when we no longer look for God outside of ourselves... it is the same thing, in a way.
We are the agents of our salvation. We are the creators of our heaven. We are the ones who release our own selves within this incarnational experience.
It is a huge thing to wrap our knowing around because it has never been this way before.
Never. Ever. Ever.
We are transforming life and death.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Everything Serves You At This Time
At the beginning of this year, 2013, I had that message given to me by my higher self in a very strong and repeated way, so that I knew to pay attention to it.
Everything serves you now.
This is what I was told and it has proven to be so.
Everything that you experience now serves you. If it hurts or it annoys you or throws you off-balance, it is because you have something within you that seeks release and it has been triggered by the experience that you have given to yourself. Everything serves you.
Actually, you are all that you are experiencing. You are just showing up for yourself in various guises... friend, neighbour, politician, partner, woman in the park... you are showing up to show yourself various things or to give yourself various things. Look around. All you see is you, masquerading as world.
I had a sore stomach, with gas pains and bloating and discomfort, just as I was trying to sleep, and then I was suddenly 16 years old again, trying to kill myself by taking too many aspirin and ending up with a very sore stomach and the feeling that I was a total failure. That needed to be loved into the light of these times, and so it was. My sore stomach served me.
Everything serves you at this time.
Everything serves you now.
This is what I was told and it has proven to be so.
Everything that you experience now serves you. If it hurts or it annoys you or throws you off-balance, it is because you have something within you that seeks release and it has been triggered by the experience that you have given to yourself. Everything serves you.
Actually, you are all that you are experiencing. You are just showing up for yourself in various guises... friend, neighbour, politician, partner, woman in the park... you are showing up to show yourself various things or to give yourself various things. Look around. All you see is you, masquerading as world.
I had a sore stomach, with gas pains and bloating and discomfort, just as I was trying to sleep, and then I was suddenly 16 years old again, trying to kill myself by taking too many aspirin and ending up with a very sore stomach and the feeling that I was a total failure. That needed to be loved into the light of these times, and so it was. My sore stomach served me.
Everything serves you at this time.
Monday, September 23, 2013
Shine Through Truth
The energies are very strong now.
The emotions and feelings moving through us are annoying and distracting at least and debilitating at times when they become more than we can manage.
Rest when you feel the need. The times in which we find ourselves, by our own creation, are volatile and take their toll of our mental, emotional and physical bodies.
Be in the truth of yourself as much as you can be in each moment. If you feel like crap, then that is what you feel and it is simply to acknowledge it, accept it, and move on, for with the volatility now, it won't last for long!
When the impulse to unconditional love and pure joy wells up within you, shine that as your truth in that moment. We will shift somewhat unpredictably back and forth between the old ego-mind concerns and the Divine Peace and Love that we actually are and are moving more and more into being a conscious and consistent expression of. We will shift from one to the other and so it is simply to shine through the truth of what you are in each moment. We need not deny or denigrate anything that we feel, anything that we are.
If you feel that you are on shaky, uncertain ground, it is because you are! We are changing the world, right now, right here.
As much as you can do so, love all that is with all that you are. As you tune to this pure love within you, you will help others to do so as well. An added bonus is that it feels wonderful!
Blessings all!
The emotions and feelings moving through us are annoying and distracting at least and debilitating at times when they become more than we can manage.
Rest when you feel the need. The times in which we find ourselves, by our own creation, are volatile and take their toll of our mental, emotional and physical bodies.
Be in the truth of yourself as much as you can be in each moment. If you feel like crap, then that is what you feel and it is simply to acknowledge it, accept it, and move on, for with the volatility now, it won't last for long!
When the impulse to unconditional love and pure joy wells up within you, shine that as your truth in that moment. We will shift somewhat unpredictably back and forth between the old ego-mind concerns and the Divine Peace and Love that we actually are and are moving more and more into being a conscious and consistent expression of. We will shift from one to the other and so it is simply to shine through the truth of what you are in each moment. We need not deny or denigrate anything that we feel, anything that we are.
If you feel that you are on shaky, uncertain ground, it is because you are! We are changing the world, right now, right here.
As much as you can do so, love all that is with all that you are. As you tune to this pure love within you, you will help others to do so as well. An added bonus is that it feels wonderful!
Blessings all!
Thursday, September 12, 2013
I Realized - Ten
This is the last of the 'I Realized... ' series. At least for now. After this post, I will go back to my usual style of posting. The reason why I put all of these up here was to show the slow but sure progression of my realizations about my self and myself in the world. And I myself am amazed at how the pace of these realizations has increased over the years. In one or two months, now, I realize more than I did over the course of decades in the early part of my life. I have had more realizations in the months since I began this series, so there will be more eventually, but I'll give my readers a bit of a break from it for a while.
So, here is the last of the 'I Realized...' which bring us to June, 2013, when I was 54 years old.
So, here is the last of the 'I Realized...' which bring us to June, 2013, when I was 54 years old.
I realized that my mind doesn’t need to be aware of all
that I am and all that I am experiencing.
I realized that music is energy and that I feed off of
music as energy.
I realized that I have been an energy worker on this planet
for my whole life, transmuting energies for the collective; this is and has
been a sacred work.
I realized that all of the things that I do to maintain
my physicality and my physical fitness are not the stuff of my fifth
dimensionality, but do not inhibit my fifth dimensionality in any way; it is
there holding the attributes of divinity; gratitude, joy, blessing,
unconditional love, appreciation, non-judgement, bliss, playfulness and
I realized peace with what is, peace with what has been and
peace with what will be.
I realized that what I am doing as a physical being is
not important to the One that I AM.
I realized that the answer is always unconditional love;
if something is a ‘problem’ it is because it is perceived to be unworthy of unconditional
love, therefore, separate from God.
I realized that as we transmute energies for ourselves,
we do this for the collective, for the entire world, for the entire universe;
energies do not equate to big and small, rather they are all relevant and
energies have no borders; energies are everywhere and affect everything.
I realized that I create with my heart.
I realized that I do not want to want. At all. Ever.
I realized that I time travel often, jumping between
moments of my lifetime and also into other lifetimes I’ve experienced / am
I realized that I should not confuse the weakness and
limitations of the physical body as being my weakness and limitations; I am not
the physical body although I align myself with it in the realm
of the physical.
I realized that releasing all judgement is key and that
this is a practice until we can completely eliminate all judgement; I realized
that gratitude and appreciation replace judgement.
I realized that we can accept our response, no matter
what that response is, and this brings acceptance of that which was catalyst
for the response.
I realized that I create everything every thing, every single thing
that has ever annoyed me.
I realized that I am love; that is all I care about.
I realized that everything that I have ever experienced
has been for a very good reason.
I realized that being loving and compassionate is not the
same thing as being accommodating.
I realized that it is not what we do that matters; it is
what we are, our feeling state, our vibration, our choice of frequency.
I realized that we are bringing multi-dimensionality into
this Earthly physical realm; we are portals for the infinite love that is God
to come into this realm and change all-that-is; I realized that I have been
doing this since I was a child and many others have been doing this as well.
I realized that I am a omniversal being of light, a part
of ALL, an emanation of Source, which is love; love is all there is.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
I Realized - Nine
I realized that I am here for three reasons - to
experience being in a body in the physical realm, to witness this amazing time
on this planet, in this universe, and to bring my unique vibration and my
particular consciousness to this planet as a service.
I realized that I am reptilian. I am also other than
I realized that I had a twin in the womb of my mother, an
identical twin who would have shared this incarnational journey with me.
I realized that I don’t have to ‘wait’ for the people
around me to come along with me; the version of me that moves forward into
higher dimensionality, will be accompanied by the version of them that also
moves forward into higher dimensionality; therefore, as I move forward, I do
not abandon anyone.
I realized that I am powerful. I have power to create, to
destroy, to change.
I realized that by going back to a moment in time, I can
change the moment by flooding myself as I was then with unconditional love,
acceptance, the golden light of healing energy and compassion; the self that I
am in that moment can actually feel the transmission and it is really
fascinating and healing to feel that.
I realized that I do not deny others when I affirm
myself. I do not deny their reality when I affirm my own reality.
I realized that I communicate telepathically, through
whole knowing in my being; I both transmit and receive.
I realized that I am ONE with ALL.
I realized that the ego-mind’s sense of self relative to
others and relative to experiences is incompatible with the frequency of the
divine embodied, the complete acceptance and the connectedness with all that is;
therefore, the ego-mind’s sense of self must change if one is to embody the
divine consistently.
I realized that by my being the consciousness that I am,
I change the world, transform the world, inform the world, create the world,
recreate the world and lead the way for humanity. I am not alone in doing this;
others do this as well and I am so very grateful for these others and
appreciative of them.
I realized that I am honoured, deeply honoured, in this
universe for having come here from the 6th.
I realized that there is nowhere better than here; no
time better than this moment now, no experience better than this one.
I realized that I can sound/tone healing and balance to
people, places, plants and animals.
I realized that spirit is connected to everything, spirit
is my life-force, spirit is connected to gnost.
I realized that I can channel my higher self into words
that I then become conscious of.
I realized that I can access the Akashic Records easily
by tuning to them, entering with honouring of ALL into that ‘space’ and then
focusing on my questions and the answers that come.
I realized that to transform into a higher dimensional
version of self I am, I have to release all of my stories about myself, every
single one, and all of my identity, my definitions of self; this releases the
ego-mind’s definitions of self which ego tries to protect and defend.
I realized that whenever I am out of joy and love, I can
send love to the part of me that is not love, not joy.
I realized that when I am not in resonance with what I
have previously created for myself, it is not a failure or a problem; it is a
sign that I am now recreating my situation, experience, being in the world. And
this is true for all of us; this is creation.
I realized that I spent so much time alone and on the
land so that I could do what I came to this planet to do; I love the world.
I realized that when I am loving the world, I am God in
the world; I bring that divine energy to the world. I realized that my love for
the world has changed the world in ways both subtle and profound.
I realized that my creations are not created through my
mind, but through some other aspect of my being.
I realized that the sounding takes me out of the 3D
ego-mind completely, immediately and effortlessly.
I realized that I am an X of balance between light and
dark in this universe and I have always been that here and it is of great
service that I am that; this is part of my contribution as one from the 6th.
I realized that every moment, every mundane profane
moment, I have been a divine being in service on this planet and this is true
of every single being on this planet as well, every single one; in other words,
the mundane and the profane are divine.
I realized that if you are not in acceptance of the now,
you slip out of fifth dimensionality / Christ Consciousness. If you have fear,
have resistance or opposition to what IS, then you slip out of that consciousness.
I realized that I have no desire for the separated self
and no desire to have desire; I give myself to this ALL that I am.
I was 53 years and 6 months old.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
I Realized - Eight
I realized that where we have an internal voice saying
‘no’ to life, we can change that to an internal voice that is saying ‘yes.’
I realized that I can tune my frequency to joy, or to
love, or to trust… happiness, anger, impatience and on and on and on; the
choice is always mine; how do I choose to be now?
I realized that in the now moment, I am this. This is
what I am. There is no desire, urge, need or ambition to be anything else.
I realized that I integrate my ALL-being self, my
connection to everything, with my individuated self. We all do this. There is a
vast limitless being that I AM and there is Lu.
I realized that all that I create, which I used to think
I created for other people, I create for myself.
I realized that I have everything that I have ever wanted
to have in my experience now.
I realized that by accepting my annoyance or anger in a
situation, in other words by accepting my response to the situation as well as
the situation itself, I transmute the energies which created the situation and
my own emotional catalyst as well.
I realized that old fears emerge from my being when it is
the time for them to emerge to be cleared.
I realized that Yeshua Sananda is my Healing Master,
serving me as a healer whenever I call on that frequency.
I realized that I am an oversoul as well as a soul and a
human being and I can feel the vast greatness that I am, as a being, as a
consciousness, as a collective.
I realized that the fact that I am of the 6th (which is
another universe) defines me to a large extent.
I realized that I receive downloads of energy, transmissions
of energy, from my oversoul.
I realized that I hold the frequency of the 6th, which is
very similar to the frequency of Yesha Sananda / Yeshua Ben Joseph, and that I
do this for the world; this energy of the 6th is able to view the darkest and
the most ‘evil’ and to accept it with compassion; it honours all that is.
I realized that as a ‘leader’ in this shift, it is my DNA
that leads, my being that leads; it is not that I do anything to overtly lead
or teach or guide.
I realized that it is what happens in the energetic
beingness of the world that matters most.
I realized that not only will nothing ‘bad’ or terrible
come to me, but that the exquisite perfection of my highest good and the
highest good of all is unfolding through a grace that is sweet, serendipitous,
melodic and harmonic.
I realized that whatever I am vibrating as my frequency,
that is what I attract, that is what answers me, that is what I experience. My
frequency creates my situation.
I realized that tones of colour and tones of sound mean a
great deal to me on levels of consciousness beyond my mind; I am playing with
these tones of colour and sound as tools of healing, rebalancing and creation.
I realized that all my needs are met all the time.
I realized that I am Christed, that I embody, more and
more, the frequency of the Christ energy, the golden light of the Christ and
the Christ Consciousness within me.
I realized that I have been steered perfectly all along.
I realized that my focus now, my purpose in being here on
this planet, is all about my frequency; it does not matter what I am
experiencing in the physical, but what I am energetically, what I am radiating.
I realized that I’m on another level; I always have been.
I realized that the sounds inside of me eventually came
out of me as toning and then became the sounding, which is healing and
balancing both for me and for other people.
I realized that when I feel at all out of balance or out
of love, the process for me is to stop whatever I am doing, close my eyes and
breathe and feel whatever it is that I am feeling - no matter what it is - I
just feel it, just feel it, and then breathe deeply again and again and not
trying to change anything or to become anything, there is the peace, the
acceptance and the unconditional love as a frequency.
I was 53 years old.
Friday, August 16, 2013
I Realized - Seven
I realized that nothing in the physical world matters;
it’s just a game board, a script from which we are reading, a way for us to
experience and then turn that experience into frequency and conversely, to hold
a frequency and then turn that frequency into experience in the physical world;
the physical world is like a magic mirror, showing ourselves to ourselves.
I realized that I can and do go back and forth from
unified consciousness, a higher consciousness, and the ‘getting things done’
consciousness of the human ego-mind.
I realized perfect peace with what IS.
I realized that when I love, I AM God loving the world;
when I feel, I AM God feeling; when I am conscious of my limitlessness, I AM
God’s infinite Self and reflecting that back to Self; when I am the everyday
consciousness of getting things done, I AM God experiencing that limited
consciousness, having chosen to do so.
I realized that ALL that I am, every single aspect,
including my intelligence, my wit, my sexuality, my organizational aspect… myself
as infant and toddler… all that I AM is included in this work of transition …
and this is true for all of us; all that we are is included in this; there is
not a single aspect or experience of ourselves that is not included in this.
I realized that being a divine human means bringing
divinity into the groin, the mouth, the thighs, the viscera and embodying that
divinity, that unconditional love, that total acceptance, that perfect peace
into all that we are in the physical. It is not a transcendance of the
physical, it is the sanctification of the physical in a way that is so profound
and so real that it actually changes our cellular structure and our DNA. By
sanctifying the physical, we transform the physical, yet even then, we do not
transcend it; we bring the divine into the physical.
I realized that this time of great transition, shift, as
some call it, the Shift of the Ages, is also the ‘second coming’ of Christ; I
realized that as we embody the Christ consciousness, we become the Christ on
Earth. We are the second coming of Christ.
I realized that by embodying God’s love, unconditional
love, we transform the world; it is time now for us to do this; we find this
love within us and embody it, radiating it outward from us to the world around
us without effort, simply by resonating to it within ourselves.
I realized that we are always where and how we should be;
we can’t make a mistake.
I realized that we have to be true to what we are,
sovereign and completely self-referrent; in this way, we bring our perfect gift
to this universe.
I realized that I am always provided for by my own
divinity, by my own creatorship.
I realized that the grandeur of my perfection is exceeded
only by the perfection of my grandeur; whenever I play this game, I expand; the
expansion of my playfulness is exceeded only by the playfulness of my
I realized that when I honour myself and love myself
totally, unconditionally, I change the world.
I realized that to remove something from your experience,
from your story, your world, you have to be in complete and total acceptance of
it, gratitude to it, blessing of it, appreciation for it.
I realized that I am a vibration and that everything else
is a vibration also.
I realized that the most effective communications occur
etherically, energetically.
I realized that I can feel into the energies of a person,
a place, a world event…
I realized that I lack nothing, that I am free of that
old need to always have more or have differently.
I realized that everything that I experience is my
creation, everything that happens, that is, that was, that will be, serves me
and is my choice at the level of soul-self.
I realized that I am a collective of aspects and
beingness, multi-dimensional and experiencing multiple time-streams
I realized that to experience heaven on Earth we must
hold no expectations of how things will be or should be, hold no agenda of what
should happen or how, accept everything just as it is at all times, appreciate deeply
in our hearts what surrounds us and give ourselves unconditional love at all
I was 52 years and 9 months old.
Friday, August 9, 2013
I Realized - Six
I realized that energetic boundaries are important for me
because I am responsible for my experiences, but not for the experiences of
I realized that I can disagree with my own soul, or with
any other higher dimensional being. I am not less than, just different than at
this time and my sense of things is as valid as my soul’s sense of things.
I realized that ‘have to’ is no longer something that
applies to my life, to my experience.
I realized that every moment is unique. There is no
longer a sense that things will be as they were. Every moment is new. Nothing
stays as it was in this new energy.
I realized that all is well in all of creation, and that
this is always true.
I realized that this whole lifetime, and in fact, many
lifetimes, have been experienced for this time of transition to occur.
I realized that all the people in the world are pure
divine love. But what we see when we look at them, when we experience them, is
their energy. A person might vibrate to the energetic frequency of love or of
joy and so we ‘like their energy’ and another person might be currently
vibrating to the energetic frequency of victimization and fear and we may or
may not like being around that energy. We might like to be around it if we like
to save people. But what we respond to when we respond to people is an
energetic transmission; it is not the actuality of the pure divine love that
comprises the essence of that being.
I realized that we need to experience and then come to
acceptance of every single emotion within us which is not joy, not love, not
I realized that I don’t need to be other than what I am
here on this planet. My being as I truly am here on this planet is my service
to others and to the ALL and this is always true for all of us.
I realized that we need to face ourselves fully. We need
to be quietly with ourselves for as long as it takes to face ourselves fully.
I realized that we are being asked to love every single
thing in every single moment every single experience and emotion, thought and
feeling, even those of suffering. We are being asked to become unconditional
love in the world of the physical.
I realized that I am very brave, and that bravery and
courage are called for at this time. It is the courage to face ourselves, to
face all of our truths… and to accept all that is. Just when we think that we
have seen it all, faced it all, another layer is uncovered and made visible to
us, so even more courage and bravery are then required.
I realized that we are being asked to live from the heart
now. We are invited and encouraged to refer to our heart rather than to our
I realized that to release somebody or some situation
from us, we have to be in complete acceptance of that person or that situation.
We have to honour and have gratitude toward and love that person or that
situation. If we still have any ‘problems’ with that person or that situation,
then they will not be released; they will continue to exist in our experience.
And this is true for a war situation, or a tsunami or a famine as much as it is
true for the relationship I have with my brother. Large or small, it is still
I realized that humanity is becoming higher dimensional -
some call it the fifth dimension - and that this is another way of saying that
we are becoming the embodiment of divine love and peace, the Christ
Consciousness. I realized that we can intend this and can bring ourselves into
this frequency quite easily, through breathing deeply and bringing the golden
light of the Christ Consciousness, or the Yeshua Frequency if you prefer, into
our mental self, our emotional self and our physical self. This aligns our
mental, emotional and physical being with the higher dimensional frequency of
divine love and peace.
I was 52 years and 3 months old.
Monday, August 5, 2013
I Realized - Five
I realized that we all share the same collective
consciousness on this planet.
I realized that embodying the divine I AM means having
absolutely no judgements about anything that I have ever been, or done, or not
been, or failed to do either in this lifetime or in other lifetimes.
I realized that acceptance is key.
I realized that I am actually taking very good care of
myself in every moment. All aspects of my being here on this planet are being
met and supported perfectly in accordance with my highest good and with my
soul’s purpose here.
I realized that I come from a place called ‘the sixth’
and that it is not so much a place in time and space as it is another…
dimension or … universe.
I realized that I am multi-dimensional, living both in
this world, this reality, this dimension and others simultaneously.
I realized that this shift (this Earth Change) is many
things, different things to different people. One of the ways that we can
realize this shift is to say that we are becoming One with God. How do we do
this? We do this by becoming worthy of that divinity by our own reckoning. This
is yet another path to complete acceptance, lack of judgement, lack of shame or
guilt. God is love. When we are love and nothing else, we are God.
I realized that the energy of the sixth is an energy of
great honouring of all things, honouring of all things. And I bring that here
to this universe.
I realized that to experience the divine within myself, I
needed to resonate to the frequencies of acceptance, love, gratitude and
blessing, enjoyment and appreciation.
I realized that I am completely responsible for myself
and for all of my experiences and that the same thing is true for every other
person on this planet, no matter how old or how young, how ill or how healthy.
I do not feel ‘sorry for’ anyone on this planet. Each of us is sovereign,
whole, a creator-being seeing our
creations in the world that surrounds us. “There are no victims; there is only
experience,” to quote Master Kuthumi.
I realized that the words ‘multi-dimensional’ and
‘imaginary’ are interchangeable for me now. If I imagine it, I experience it in
another dimension.
I realized that if I am not in complete trust and
acceptance of all that surrounds me, of all that is my world, then I am holding
fear about some possible outcome. If I am holding that fear, I am not in
unconditional love. I am capable of infringing on others’ free will,
sovereignty and joy because I am holding that fear.
I realized that the mind gets in the way of this divine
grace, this divine trust. The mind is concerned with survival. Let’s call it
the ego-mind. The ego-mind is concerned with survival and is fear-based.
I realized that self-love is integral to this complete
acceptance, trust and unconditional love. When we feel this unconditional love
for ourselves, we shine it out to the entire planet and to every person on the
planet and in that love, there is no fear therefore there is no lack of trust;
‘all is well in all of creation,’ to quote Adamus St. Germain.
I was about 52 years old when I came to these last realizations.
Friday, July 26, 2013
Brief Announcement
I interrupt my 'I Realized...' series to make a brief announcement.
I was a guest on a radio show and spoke for some time about my spiritual journey and some awareness that I have.
Here is a link to that radio show online.
And here is a link to the people who create that show.
Everyday Connection is… Inspiration, information and conversation. At Everyday Connection we believe that humans are awesome and we are passionate about showing them just how awesome they are. We invite guests from around the world who are following their passion and making the world a better place, to share their stories with our listeners; because if they can do it, then so can we.
So, you can hear me speaking on the show. It is a 90 minute show and I speak for quite some time on it. There is wisdom and whimsy there. So please do enjoy it.
I Realized - Four
I realized that there was information coming through
Geoffery Hoppe in the voice of a being who was calling himself Tobias, archived
on a website ( that I wanted to really delve into. This
felt to me like the next stage of my realization process.
I realized that it was going to be a long process. I
realized that there was so very very much that I was only just beginning to
allow myself to access.
I realized that the Now moment is divine, is sacred. I
realized that I would need to practice being in the Now moment because I had
spent my whole life toggling back and forth between past memories and future
worries and had actualized very few of my experiences in the Now. I also
realized that all of those experiences which had seemed so intense, so pure, so
beautiful, had been experiences lived fully in the Now moment. I realized that Henry David Thoreau, the writing
of whom had drawn me even at the age of 16, had felt the importance of living
in the Now back in the early to mid 1800’s.
I realized that poetry and photography both were attempts
to capture the essence of a Now moment; I used both poetry, most often in the
form of haiku, and photography to explore the essence of the Now and I did this
with great joy.
I realized that for the most part I let what is, be. That
which I have any judgement about, or attachment to, I work to release that
judgement or that attachment.
I realized that the ALL and God are one and the same, that
the ALL and Home are one and the same. I realized / felt that the seed of
ALL/GOD has been in me all along. We seek God outside of ourselves and God is
not there and has never been there, although all of the world is sacred and
resonates with divine vibrations. Still God/ALL is within us, this tiny seed of
divinity, of HOME deep within us.
I realized that since I was a young child, I have been in
contact in an energy exchange with my higher self or soul-self.
I realized that by just letting things happen, I can
accomplish all that I need to with a sense of there being no effort.
I realized that I could call upon the One whom some call
Jesus the Christ and whom I call Yeshua or Sananda and that when I did that,
when I called to this One, the energy would come through to me and would feel
like the greatest love and the most complete peace. I realized that this One is
of the new age most certainly and that this One is not known to those who base
their salvation and redemption on the new testament of the bible. This One is
not that, but an energy, a frequency of such profound power in the form of love
and peace, that by calling on this One, we are changed. We are changed.
I realized that all that we experience is energy. We
‘see’ it or ‘hear’ it, but it is energy / frequency / vibration that is
manifest as our life experience.
I realized that the divinity that is in me is the same as
the divinity that is in the One whom I call Yeshua or Sananda. I am God also.
I realized that breathing really helps me to embody this
realization of my essential divinity. Being in the natural world also helps.
I realized that I can place myself in a peace and a
frequency wherein I have no desire to change anything in my experience. I call
this being in divine will. I realized that this is being in a state where “I
don’t mind what happens…”
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
I Realized - Three
I realized that when I walked the land, walked anywhere
on this planet, ‘walking this sacred Earth’ as I called it, I could through a
simple setting of intention, give love to this Earth and be filled with love
myself as I did so.
I realized that something was (and still is) happening on
this Earth that is literally Earth Changing. I realized that more than anything
else in the world, this was what fascinated me and what I wanted to ‘be in on’
and to know about.
I realized that off-world beings, minds, consciousnesses
were communicating with us here on the planet and that they were doing this
through people who were somehow open to this flow of information coming through
them and could make it available to the rest of us. I had thought that this was
a bunch of baloney - just a hype and a scam - and I realized that it was / is
real, is called ‘channeling’ and that it offers us something amazing.
I realized that the Bible, or parts of the Bible, and
Conversations With God, by Neale Donald Walsh, and The Course in Miracles were
all ‘channeled’ just as the information coming in in the late 1990’s and more
and more and more in the early years of the 2000’s was channeled.
I realized that there was so much channeled information
on the internet that it felt overwhelming to me; I realized that I should
follow my own innate knowing and go to the source that most called to me.
I realized that Those of Q’uo, channeling through a woman
named Carla, with transcripts then offered on a website called
were sending a transmission of energy with their words that I entirely
resonated to. It was not so much the words per se as the energy being
transmitted with the words that drew me again and again to these transcripts.
The fact that words on a computer screen could hold that quality of energy and
that much energy, and that it could impact me so profoundly, was amazing to me.
I realized that the message of Those of Q’uo was one of
hope and of profound safety and support for humanity. I realized that the work
that I had been doing through witchcraft and through psycho-therapy was the
same work that Those of Q’uo urged and recommended for us all - the work of
clearing trauma and judgement and all that is not love from our energy fields.
I realized that although I could share this information
and these realizations with friends, that they would not necessarily resonate
with the information or even be able to take it in. I was amazed to experience
a friend saying that she literally ‘could not read’ the material that I had
sent to her, even though I distilled it into its essence and made it as easy to
read as possible. I realized that my journey is my own and that each of us has
our own journey to make into this Earth Change.
I was 47 years old when I made this last realization.
Friday, June 28, 2013
I Realized - Two
I realized that the natural world brought me peace and
joy, always.
I realized that Goddess worship and Earth-based
spirituality, also called paganism by some, was a way forward for me because it
used the power of words, the power of vocalized song in the form of chanting,
and the beauty and power of the natural world, (the natural world’s frequency I
would now say, although I would not have used that word then). I realized that
paganism was a great fit for me.
I realized that spellcraft was specifically directed at
the self and the self’s experience of the world, rather than being directed at
the world which would then conform to the self. Spellcraft, I realized, changes
the self and so the self experiences the world as changed.
I realized that I loved the world anew through spellcraft
and could do Earth healing, whereby I sent that love out to the world as an
energy for the Earth to do with as Earth chose to do.
I realized that spellcraft is healing of past traumas; it
is the bringing into wholeness of a fragmented self, a self that has fragmented
because the pain or distress were too great to bear, so they were repressed and
pushed away. Spellcraft worked actively and consciously to allow awareness of
these with compassion and then to release them through rituals of release and
I realized that there was a point of presence and a point
of power or will inside of me. Again, I wouldn’t have used that phrase ‘point
of presence,’ but it fits now; I use it now. That point of presence was big.
I realized - and it blew my circuits - that I could
embody the consciousness of Gaia. I ‘aspected’ Gaia, which is what new age
wiccans call it when we drop our selfhood down down down through our body,
through our feet and then bring in, call in, the aspect of a Goddess or
off-world being. I aspected Gaia, and I haven’t been the same since. I was
Gaia, in the body of this little human being.
I realized that each of these many Goddesses are aspects
of the ONE, which is neither male nor female, neither creator alone, nor
destroyer alone, but all things simultaneously.
I realized that I could again begin to use the word God,
although both the words God and Goddess are completely inadequate to THAT which
we feel as God/Goddess.
I realized that I wanted to feel into the One whom people
call Jesus the Christ. I realized that I didn’t want to throw that particular
‘baby’ out with the filthy bath water of Christian dogma, cruelty and
I realized that I didn’t need to do ritual out of doors
to achieve that feeling of union with the divine in the world, that feeling of
union with the spirit of the world; I could do ritual within my small room and
be as big as the world. I also realized that whenever I walked out of doors,
whenever I walked the land, I was communing with that spirit of the world.
I realized that psycho-therapy was again a healing and
transmutation of past trauma and old wounds and scars from wounds; the methods
that worked well for me as a client in psycho-therapy took me into awareness of
the trauma, allowed me the time and a safe space to observe it with compassion,
and thus to transmute the woundedness, just as witchcraft had done.
I realized that I could do the work of psycho-therapy on
my own and I began to do this whenever I was ‘triggered’ by overly dramatic
responses within myself to external stimuli. This practice was exceedingly and
invariably beneficial to me; I developed the courage to ‘see’ the past trauma,
the wound or the scar with compassion and thus to transmute it with, as I now
would say, unconditional love, although I would not have used that term then; I
would have used the term compassion.
I realized that I didn’t need the external symbols of
spellcraft; I had internalized them.
I realized that I didn’t need to ‘protect’ myself by
casting a circle. I still loved to call in the directions, the energies and the
spirit of the world in the form of Goddess, but more and more it was becoming
all one thing, all one calling to and then receiving. I realized that wiccan
ritual was no longer appealing to me.
I was about 41 years old by this time.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
I Realized - One
Something within me prompted me to recount for myself and for others how I have become the person that I am now. I realized that a series of realizations, a growing awareness, was the path that brought me here. I committed myself to documenting these and since I keep a journal and have done so for many years, this project was not so difficult as it had at first appeared. I intend to share these realizations with you. They comprise many pages and I will offer them one segment at a time. Here is the first such offering. These realizations came to me as I was a child and a young adult. By the age of 25, I had come to the realization which you will find at the end of this segment.
I realized that I kept falling in love with the world. I
kept falling in love with feeling, with moments. I kept falling in love with
the places where I experienced these feelings, lived these moments.
I realized that poetry could potentially express this
love. I realized that some prose, a sort of poetic prose, could potentially
express this love and so I began to explore words and the power of words to
express this love for moments, this rapturous love for feeling states.
I realized that movement could express also, that joy
could be expressed through movement, through dance, more easily and directly
than through any words.
I realized that vocalizations of song and vocal harmonies
could express so much. It didn’t matter what words were being sung - well, it
did matter, but not nearly so much as people thought it did. And my love for
words and the power of words and my love for the vocalization of song, the
singing in the choir of over one hundred voices, came together and I began to
recreate the words of the Anglican church services. I began to use their words
differently and to change their words within my own consciousness.
I realized that I could not negotiate Christianity’s
teachings and beliefs, that they were fundamentally opposed to my feeling and
innate knowing about self and society and world. I realized that I would need to create another path to God for myself because I wanted to know God and to have God in my life, but not on Christianity's terms.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Humanity Grows Wise
Humanity is changing. Actually, humanity is evolving to become something far more wise, kind and honourable than we have ever been. We can do this. We are, in fact, doing this now.
Because of our internet technology, we are becoming more and more aware of ourselves as a global community. We are becoming therefore, more politically aware and more compassionate.
We have integrated the wisdom traditions of people all over the world, from the Eastern philosophies and religions to the paradigm of the native peoples of the Americas. We have integrated the wisdom of the indigenous peoples of Africa and the Australian continent as well.
We are evolving our ability to hold two opposing viewpoints at the same time. We are literally growing our brains, beginning to use the front of our brains as never before. See the work of Joseph Chilton Pearce for more information about this.
We have an ever-growing environmental awareness, which sometimes causes us to feel distress at the state of our world's environment and biological systems, ecological systems today. The same is true of our growing awareness of animal rights. We are exploring right action on a global scale. We are deciding together, as a collective human society, what kind of world we choose to live in.
This is tied irrevocably to the growing understanding among us that we make the world, and that we are the agents of change that we have been looking for. Thus do we develop our sense of stewardship and responsibility.
We have the Declaration of Human Rights. We have a global anti-war movement. And in fact, we have less war in the world now than at any time in the past 1000 years or more. This is something to think about profoundly as we move through our days now.
We've never before been who and what and how we are now. This time is unprecedented. So breathe deeply, and as you breathe, cast away from yourself all of your pre-conceived notions of what we are as a world and of what we are capable. The image of our planet seen from space totally changed us and we have continued to change and will continue to change since then.
People say that the world is in crisis. Crisis is both danger and opportunity. In many ways, we are a world in crisis, surrounded by danger, surrounded by opportunity. And this is global. For the first time in human history, we can and MUST do this together. And we are together now, through the internet, through technology, we are together.
We are continuously deepening our awareness, our knowledge and our consciousness. Our awareness has been broadened WAY beyond the awareness of people thirty or forty years ago. Most of our problems - political and environmental - originated in the late 1700's and through the 1800's. We don't think that way anymore. We can and will transcend those problems. Racism, religious intolerance, competition for resources, exploitation of lands and peoples. We are doing this now, albeit slowly and beginning here and there. This change in our world is happening daily now.
We are, individually, becoming wise in our personal choices, wise in our communal lives, open-minded, tolerant of differences, non-judgmental. We are becoming wise in our development of political structures that truly serve our highest selves. We move from the small to the large and we do this organically and through our emerging wisdom. All that we envision for our planet will come as we realize our ability to make this world as we will have it be.
Everywhere I look, all over the internet, all over the planet, in all the hearts and minds, I see humanity grow wise.
And thus do we change the world and create it anew.
Because of our internet technology, we are becoming more and more aware of ourselves as a global community. We are becoming therefore, more politically aware and more compassionate.
We have integrated the wisdom traditions of people all over the world, from the Eastern philosophies and religions to the paradigm of the native peoples of the Americas. We have integrated the wisdom of the indigenous peoples of Africa and the Australian continent as well.
We are evolving our ability to hold two opposing viewpoints at the same time. We are literally growing our brains, beginning to use the front of our brains as never before. See the work of Joseph Chilton Pearce for more information about this.
We have an ever-growing environmental awareness, which sometimes causes us to feel distress at the state of our world's environment and biological systems, ecological systems today. The same is true of our growing awareness of animal rights. We are exploring right action on a global scale. We are deciding together, as a collective human society, what kind of world we choose to live in.
This is tied irrevocably to the growing understanding among us that we make the world, and that we are the agents of change that we have been looking for. Thus do we develop our sense of stewardship and responsibility.
We have the Declaration of Human Rights. We have a global anti-war movement. And in fact, we have less war in the world now than at any time in the past 1000 years or more. This is something to think about profoundly as we move through our days now.
We've never before been who and what and how we are now. This time is unprecedented. So breathe deeply, and as you breathe, cast away from yourself all of your pre-conceived notions of what we are as a world and of what we are capable. The image of our planet seen from space totally changed us and we have continued to change and will continue to change since then.
People say that the world is in crisis. Crisis is both danger and opportunity. In many ways, we are a world in crisis, surrounded by danger, surrounded by opportunity. And this is global. For the first time in human history, we can and MUST do this together. And we are together now, through the internet, through technology, we are together.
We are continuously deepening our awareness, our knowledge and our consciousness. Our awareness has been broadened WAY beyond the awareness of people thirty or forty years ago. Most of our problems - political and environmental - originated in the late 1700's and through the 1800's. We don't think that way anymore. We can and will transcend those problems. Racism, religious intolerance, competition for resources, exploitation of lands and peoples. We are doing this now, albeit slowly and beginning here and there. This change in our world is happening daily now.
We are, individually, becoming wise in our personal choices, wise in our communal lives, open-minded, tolerant of differences, non-judgmental. We are becoming wise in our development of political structures that truly serve our highest selves. We move from the small to the large and we do this organically and through our emerging wisdom. All that we envision for our planet will come as we realize our ability to make this world as we will have it be.
Everywhere I look, all over the internet, all over the planet, in all the hearts and minds, I see humanity grow wise.
And thus do we change the world and create it anew.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Lu's Awfully Big Adventure
As some of you know, we have been having very tempestuous weather lately.
I had been holding the intention of hiking up Mount Echo to see the Lady Slipper Orchids in bloom. It is their time now.
It is a hike of about 45 minutes to reach the one spot where these wild flowers bloom in our area.
My friend Eva accompanied me on this epic journey through the devastated landscape and the wreckage of the storm's aftermath yesterday.
We were almost forced to turn back near the beginning of our adventure, because the streams and brooks are running so fast that we had no hope of spanning the small stream that blocked our way without ending up with soaking wet feet. And since the temperature was close to the freezing mark, we couldn't afford to have wet feet. So, we ranged upstream, looking for a way to cross.
Eva was so resourceful! She found a fallen sapling that was strong enough to bear our weight if we crossed one at a time. She hauled it to the stream's edge and with my help, slung it across the raging stream. With the help of my hiking poles and a friendly tree branch above us, we made it across!
Another heavy flowing stream awaited us a little further along the trail. We were able to span that stream using the rocks that were just above the water's rush.
I didn't know what to hope for, to be honest. All along we had seen terrible damage to the trout lilies and the Clintonia borealis (Blue Bead Lily) which luckily are plentiful in those woods. There was rain wash out damage, snow damage and wind damage. Many plants had their leaves broken and torn by the storm's fury.
As we approached the place where I knew the orchids had been growing well last year, my heart beat fast and I became a big anxious.
They were hard pressed by fallen branches from a huge dead tree just there where they were growing. They were growing so bravely through the snow!
At the end of May, to have rain is quite normal. However, we had five days of rain, with three or four of them involving steady and heavy rain. There were high winds from the cold north as well. On the day before the end of the great storm, we had snow. The snow was thick and heavy. There was much damage to many trees and plants.
I had been holding the intention of hiking up Mount Echo to see the Lady Slipper Orchids in bloom. It is their time now.
It is a hike of about 45 minutes to reach the one spot where these wild flowers bloom in our area.
My friend Eva accompanied me on this epic journey through the devastated landscape and the wreckage of the storm's aftermath yesterday.
We were almost forced to turn back near the beginning of our adventure, because the streams and brooks are running so fast that we had no hope of spanning the small stream that blocked our way without ending up with soaking wet feet. And since the temperature was close to the freezing mark, we couldn't afford to have wet feet. So, we ranged upstream, looking for a way to cross.
Eva was so resourceful! She found a fallen sapling that was strong enough to bear our weight if we crossed one at a time. She hauled it to the stream's edge and with my help, slung it across the raging stream. With the help of my hiking poles and a friendly tree branch above us, we made it across!
Another heavy flowing stream awaited us a little further along the trail. We were able to span that stream using the rocks that were just above the water's rush.
Heavy mud and many fallen trees and tree branches made our progress slow. But helping each other as we went along, and speaking of such important matters as the heavenly music of J.S. Bach, we eventually approached the site of the orchids.
I didn't know what to hope for, to be honest. All along we had seen terrible damage to the trout lilies and the Clintonia borealis (Blue Bead Lily) which luckily are plentiful in those woods. There was rain wash out damage, snow damage and wind damage. Many plants had their leaves broken and torn by the storm's fury.
As we approached the place where I knew the orchids had been growing well last year, my heart beat fast and I became a big anxious.
They were hard pressed by fallen branches from a huge dead tree just there where they were growing. They were growing so bravely through the snow!
What I have found, time and time again, is that those things that we love will always survive the storms and trials of life here on Earth. That which we treasure, will endure. The challenges of extreme weather and constant change are not enough to break the orchids or to break us. We, and all that is beautiful, will endure, will grow and will evolve.
Bowed down somewhat, perhaps, but unbroken and still so precious!
Breakfast by the orchids, photo opportunities, and then the careful trek back down the mountainside made our adventure complete.
Eva was a wonderful companion on my adventure and we both hope to have more such in the days to come.
I hope that you who read this will also enjoy your experiences, be they calm and peaceful, or challenging through storm and strife. This is life!
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