Friday, August 16, 2013

I Realized - Seven

I realized that nothing in the physical world matters; it’s just a game board, a script from which we are reading, a way for us to experience and then turn that experience into frequency and conversely, to hold a frequency and then turn that frequency into experience in the physical world; the physical world is like a magic mirror, showing ourselves to ourselves.

I realized that I can and do go back and forth from unified consciousness, a higher consciousness, and the ‘getting things done’ consciousness of the human ego-mind.

I realized perfect peace with what IS.

I realized that when I love, I AM God loving the world; when I feel, I AM God feeling; when I am conscious of my limitlessness, I AM God’s infinite Self and reflecting that back to Self; when I am the everyday consciousness of getting things done, I AM God experiencing that limited consciousness, having chosen to do so.

I realized that ALL that I am, every single aspect, including my intelligence, my wit, my sexuality, my organizational aspect… myself as infant and toddler… all that I AM is included in this work of transition … and this is true for all of us; all that we are is included in this; there is not a single aspect or experience of ourselves that is not included in this.

I realized that being a divine human means bringing divinity into the groin, the mouth, the thighs, the viscera and embodying that divinity, that unconditional love, that total acceptance, that perfect peace into all that we are in the physical. It is not a transcendance of the physical, it is the sanctification of the physical in a way that is so profound and so real that it actually changes our cellular structure and our DNA. By sanctifying the physical, we transform the physical, yet even then, we do not transcend it; we bring the divine into the physical.

I realized that this time of great transition, shift, as some call it, the Shift of the Ages, is also the ‘second coming’ of Christ; I realized that as we embody the Christ consciousness, we become the Christ on Earth. We are the second coming of Christ.

I realized that by embodying God’s love, unconditional love, we transform the world; it is time now for us to do this; we find this love within us and embody it, radiating it outward from us to the world around us without effort, simply by resonating to it within ourselves.

I realized that we are always where and how we should be; we can’t make a mistake.

I realized that we have to be true to what we are, sovereign and completely self-referrent; in this way, we bring our perfect gift to this universe.

I realized that I am always provided for by my own divinity, by my own creatorship.

I realized that the grandeur of my perfection is exceeded only by the perfection of my grandeur; whenever I play this game, I expand; the expansion of my playfulness is exceeded only by the playfulness of my expansion.

I realized that when I honour myself and love myself totally, unconditionally, I change the world.

I realized that to remove something from your experience, from your story, your world, you have to be in complete and total acceptance of it, gratitude to it, blessing of it, appreciation for it.

I realized that I am a vibration and that everything else is a vibration also.

I realized that the most effective communications occur etherically, energetically.

I realized that I can feel into the energies of a person, a place, a world event…

I realized that I lack nothing, that I am free of that old need to always have more or have differently.

I realized that everything that I experience is my creation, everything that happens, that is, that was, that will be, serves me and is my choice at the level of soul-self.

I realized that I am a collective of aspects and beingness, multi-dimensional and experiencing multiple time-streams concurrently.

I realized that to experience heaven on Earth we must hold no expectations of how things will be or should be, hold no agenda of what should happen or how, accept everything just as it is at all times, appreciate deeply in our hearts what surrounds us and give ourselves unconditional love at all times.

I was 52 years and 9 months old.

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