Lately, when I fall back into old patterns of thinking, old ways of reacting to events and situations, I feel the weight of it like glue on my limbs and ink stains on my aura. Yuck.
I feel that we are required now to move forward into a new way of being, a way of being that is in complete alignment with our soul's purpose for us, and with our own sense of ourselves as sovereign and sacred selves being in the world.
So as difficult as it is for me lately when I fall back into old ways, it is like coming home to a warm welcome and a well-cooked meal when I step up into my integrity, into my exalted consciousness of the unity of which I AM an integral part.
Step up.
Step up and claim what you know and ALL that you are. It just feels right to do this now.
This morning, I asked myself a question and actually took the time to sit and listen for the answer to come from within. I asked myself, "Who are you?" And then after a time, a timeless time, I asked again, "What do you believe?" And then, a little later, in a state of complete and utter peace, I asked, "What do you know?"
And it is time now for me to move through my days in the sure and quiet knowledge of who I am and what I know. It is time now for me to offer myself in service to the ALL through my being in this world. It's not about doing. I don't need to accomplish anything. It's about being and specifically, it's about being ALL that I am in my highest state of consciousness. "Dwell on that." I tell myself, "In fact, practice spending more and more time there until that is where you live."
I tell myself, "Step up into the light of your higher self, the divinity of yourself as God also. Step up into knowing what only you can know, for this is not about being subsumed by something greater than yourself. There is nothing greater than you are. You are God being in the world uniquely as you are. Your knowing, your sense of it all, your individual way of being in the world is your contribution to the times in which we live. And it is an infinitely precious contribution."
If you feel it as I do, step up into your I AM presence in the world, in faith in your own being, in trust that the gift you bring is perfect. Step up in the fullness of your conscious choosing to be here now.
That is what I intend to do. It just feels right to do this now. It just feels so resonant with the times, for me. I trust that you will follow your truth, your knowing, what resonates for you.
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