We are in such times as have never been. So it is said, and so do I feel it. Not only do I feel it, I feel it waxing, like the moon in the days before she's full.
What we fill our consciousness with will be given to us. What we are vibrating as, we will receive more of. Anger begets anger. Lack begets lack. Abundance begets abundance. Love begets love in a great and glorious flowing. Such are the times.
Remember that old saying, "Be careful what you wish for; for you will surely get it." Well, multiply that by 10 and then add in all of your thinking, believing, saying, vibrating, calling forth, fearing, inhabiting and on and on and on. Such are the times.
If you are anxious, it will be intense anxiety, growing and feeding on itself until you feel overwhelmed by it. What to do then!? Choose another vibration and energy and the effect will be almost immediate. Choose courage, for example, and courage will grow and feed on itself within you until you can stand courageous in the face of just about anything. Choose again then. Choose wisdom perhaps. Or perspective. Or divine knowing such as has never been experienced by you.
Choose ease, if you will. Choose joy. But it's not enough, my friends, to choose these and not then allow yourself to become them. It is not your words alone which will take you where you say you want to be; it is your vibration, your energy.
So, find ease within yourself. If it means going to a yoga class or dancing in your living room for half an hour to get all the kinks out, then so be it. Find ease and flow and then sink into it, feel it fully. Remember the feeling and choose an image or word or action that will instantly recall you to the feeling of ease. Find it, claim it, and then bring yourself into a vibration of ease and flow, which is another way of saying trust. Oh I know, I use that word a lot. I use that word a lot because that is what we are being asked to become. Trust. Trust trusting. Trust trusting trust itself.
Find your joy and your gladness. Find these within your life, your experience, yourself. Find your joy and let it fill you. Let your joy resonate throughout your being, throughout your body. What brings you to joy? Is it a person, a place, an activity? Is it God's love? Is it your own love? Find your joy and flood yourself with it. Let it fill you. Your multi-dimensional vibrations will resonate with your joy's vibrations and the two sets of vibrations will become synchronous. (I'm using words for something that is beyond words and beyond our minds' abilities to comprehend fully. Move from the words to the vast dance of feeling and knowing, choosing and being that is behind them.)
Your vibrations will become the vibrations of joy, of love, of gladness and the whole world of being and becoming will then give back to you the vibrations that you are expressing. It is really that simple. What we are, we attract. (That is the true law of attraction by the way. It's a little bit more than what we say, or even what we say we believe; it is what we are that attracts.)
Fill yourself with abundance and with the feeling, experience and resonance of abundance and you will attract abundance. Fill yourself with lack, with fear of lack, with anxiety about not having what you need, with resentment of others' abundance and oh yes, the whole world of being and becoming will give back to you the vibrations that you are expressing. Ouch.
Find your joy. Live it. Share it with others as you choose. Choose the world in which you would like to live. Is it joyful? Peaceful? Trusting? Or is it something else entirely? For as we make our own situation, our own reality, we also make the world. More on this in a later post.
Blessings of joy be yours!
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