Friday, January 14, 2011

Shine the Light

Some call us lightworkers. Can you feel the light within you?

Some call us standards. We set the standard vibration in this new energy. Others can match it if they choose to.

Some call us pathfinders. We show others the way forward into Ascension and beyond by finding the paths for ourselves and then following them with courage, grace and trust in ourselves and in the process.

What I need to remind myself of these days is that it is not for me to try to change the world. It is not for me to try to change anybody in the world.  It is mine to live as light, play with light, create with light. It is mine to shine the light. The light is not mine; it is of Source. It shines through me, in me, and with my own unique play of colours, shadings and hues.

I need to remind myself that I set the standard vibration when I allow myself to be ALL that I AM in this unfolding. When I trust, I hold that peace within me that is of God. When I do that, I set the standard for others. And of course, I am not alone in this. I am one of many. I choose to serve the ALL-That-Is in this way, by holding this trust, this peace within me, by being a standard in this way.

I went to a meeting at the Sunshine Center where I offer my In the Moment activities. There was a young woman there who held a centered and calm energy even when others became emotional. She seemed so grounded! I practice that groundedness. I seek to emulate that centeredness. I'm working at it now very consciously. I know that I will become that which I focus my intentions on. As I do this, I will become more and more the standard of light and love that I have chosen to be. The vibration of light and love, of trust and peace, is like pure water in the mountain stream. It doesn't seek to change anything, yet it offers itself for any who would drink of it, and as time passes, it sculpts the land inexorably. We radiate light and love and so it is available for any who would like to take it into themselves, who would like to become filled with light and love themselves. Yet we do not seek to change others. We accept them as they are. Slowly but surely, as we proceed in this way, the world around us changes in ways that we can ony begin to imagine.

As we make our way forward into this new age, we find our way through uncharted territory and go through transformations that humanity has never before undertaken. These are heady days! The adventure is well underway. Each process that we enter into, each intention with which we move forward, is a testament to our courage and our commitment to the ALL and to the Ascension of ourselves and our planet Earth and all of humanity. And as we step on into the unknown, we can show each other the way through our words and our sharing, our writings and our artistic works. We can join with those who travel as we do into this new age and share with them our realizations and understandings.

Shine the light of your being, your learning and your divinity. That light is growing brighter and brighter every day now.

We are illuminating the way forward for ourselves and for all of humanity. And we are doing this in love and in light and in joyful service to each other, to our own truth, to our soul's purpose.



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