Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Everything is Possible

As I walked this morning, I sent out the energy of, "This world is always changing, past and present and future. We change it. This world is magical and miraculous. We make it what we will have it be. Everything is possible. We are the creators."

I was sending this out from my hands and my heart. 

"We are in a ‘matrix’ and we are the creators of that matrix. We are not stuck or limited or victims in any way." 

Then I began to see the undoing of wrongs, wrongs against whole vast populations on this planet. 

I began to see redemption, restitution, reconciliation. 

I began to see vast waves of forgiveness and outbreaks of peace. 

This is powerful stuff. I could feel it. I can feel it now, albeit less clearly than when I was out of doors. 

I am this and so are you. 

We are this transformation of the world. 

We change the timelines stretching back into the distant past and extending out into the shining future and we do this here and now in the perfection of the present moment and all of its transformative power. 

We do this through forgiveness, love and compassion. 

We do this with our breath and with our intention and with our inspired vision of a peaceful Earth and a humanity healed and whole.

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