Monday, March 18, 2019

Higher Dimensional Perspective

Just before I slept, if I recall correctly, I was able to feel what we are as non-physical. It is as if the veil lifted and I could glimpse us as energetic beings. 
I sensed colour and surge of energy but somehow discrete beings and the sense of being able to ‘fit’ ourselves into physical vehicles of sense and experience. It was fascinating. 
Now, I feel the sense of it, but also feel it slip away. I feel that I have been given knowledge which is largely, as yet, forbidden. 
I am profoundly aware lately of the 5th dimensional perspective which is completely unconcerned with 3rd dimensional matters of ego-mind and the yes and no of the physical. The 5th dimensional perspective observes benignly and compassionately, with unconditional love and acceptance of what is, breathing in and out easily with what is and in joy for what comes. 
The 5th dimensional perspective feels like a balm for the turbulent fears and flailing of the 3rd dimensional drama. 
The 5th dimensional perspective and being is the unconditional love that I, feeling emotion here as I write this, have been sending out and sending out again and again in a devoted service to this world that I ken. 
That which I saw with my mind’s eye, that energetic being that we are, is effortlessly holding this 5th dimensional perspective; indeed, it is this love, it is this benign observer of the “sturm und drang” of our work now to clear and release. It holds space for our suffering and striving to be resolved. 
It is so immensely loving that it transcends, and easily transforms, our supposed crisis into a vast act of service to the All that Is. 
And we are this. It is not something outside of us, hovering over us and eventually, maybe, coming to our rescue. We are this. 
More and more as we do the important work of clearing our own fears and residual shadows of guilt, anger and trauma, we embody this 5th dimensional perspective and radiate it from us, like lighthouses on the storm-lashed and hard-rock coast of humanity’s becoming. 
I feel this within me and rejoice. I feel this and am in awe of the times in which we now stand, brought here by our own courage and love, for this too - this intensity, this creative chaos, is ours, created by us in service to the evolution of our human family. 
I can feel the whole planet becoming as we become. We are supported and spurred on by all that surrounds us here, both the physical and the energetic - that which we can perceive with our physical senses and that which we feel moving within and around us. We are not alone in this process and we are far from being forsaken. Loved beyond all measure are we, even as we witness our own creations of horror, terror and suffering. 

Steady as she goes, beloved kin. Having come this far, we shall proceed as that 5th dimensional perspective beckons and steers us to a world of peace and joy, wisdom, compassion and conscious creation for the highest good of All. 

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