I was reading in The Atlantic about Newt Gingrich and how he truly believes that his acts of willful and purposeful destruction of common ground and common sense in the legislative assembly of his country was a good thing.
Every ‘monster’ is convinced that he or she is a saviour. Stephen Leacock wrote hilariously about the harm that ‘do-gooders’ do. I suddenly saw ‘power’ everywhere in the world, being explored, highlighted, seen more clearly now than before.
Walking, I asked myself, “What is my power?” And the answer came immediately. My power is all in my heart. My power is love. It is joy, wellness, gratitude. It is frequency and the way that frequency moves us from one timeline to another.
Until very recently, and even now to some extent, we cannot perceive this shift from one timeline to another; we are not aware of it and so we do not have any incentive to work with our power in this way. We haven’t been able to really perceive the feedback – we just are and then we are on a different timeline – seamlessly.
So, as an example, I’m in resistance to... something. The weather – say – and my experience is that the weather is stopping me from doing something, enjoying something and my experience is then that I am disgruntled, a bit frustrated and then I am short-tempered with my husband – a bit annoyed and so on it goes. Or, I’m feeling resistance to the weather and I go into my heart and breathe and shift to being with the weather, finding that love within my heart chakra and shifting into that vibration. And my mood is immediately shifted and so is my experience of all that is around me. I have shifted from one timeline to another.
We tend to think of timeline shifts as being these big things – like, on this timeline I have this job and on this other timeline I have this other job. And yes, this is infinitely possible and occurring, but timeline shifts are also small... so, the snippy response that doesn’t happen, or the loving gesture that does happen, the joyful flow into taking a walk even though it is raining and then much later in the day, still radiant with the beauty of that walk, the conversation with a friend filled with kindness.
From each moment’s state of being, we create. We are in an endless ‘create your own adventure’ story book. And at every moment of self-awareness, we have the power to choose, to create from our being. That is power.
I was feeling into what power is not. It is not at all what most of us still think that power actually is... the imposition of one's will or vision on others. This can seem benign, visionary, helpful... and so on, but it is only the imposition of one's will on others. From the parent or school teacher on up to municipal councillors and regional representatives and leaders of political parties and police officers and so on. We are all negotiating, more or less peacefully, how our shared reality will be.
But this is 3rd dimensional and 4th dimensional push and pull, this versus that.
5th dimensional creation feels totally different. It is joy and love, being in joyful resonance with what is and in complete acceptance of what is. It is antithetical to us in deep ways... what about injustice? What about cruelty?
Yeshua and the angels have said over and over again that love is the answer. And we respond with, “What the fuck are you talking about? I can’t love torture! I can’t love corruption.” And yet....
Because where I live, in my world, joy abounds and people are kind.
I am aware of corruption and torture, starvation and global systems failures and collapse, but I do not experience these; I experience beauty, joy, love and more joy, more beauty and so on.
We are being shown just how quickly now the 3D 4D world is ending, no longer viable. And through this experience we are being triggered to heal our trauma, face our deepest fears and realize the essential powerlessness of the 3D 4D paradigm. How ironic it all is!
Humans are supposedly the most powerful beings on this world and yet. And yet. We are helpless. Many are hopeless. Where is our power? And don’t give it away to some supposedly merciful God who will save us. That’s not how the story ends.
Love is the answer. When you transmute your trauma and fear, guilt and shame, become the love that you actually have always been deep deep inside of yourself and then extend that love out into the whirling world around you, you transform your experience of what is; you become love in a world of joy and love.
It’s a tall order, asking us to accept all of this seemingly unacceptable reality. Maintain that steady level gaze... as if the entirety of humanity were your child who is hurt and afraid and lashing out because of the hurt and the fear.
Imagine that unconditional love that you would offer to a friend who told you that she had cleaned out her joint bank account – shared with her husband – because she is addicted to gambling... or... whatever ... name your poison.
Every single supposed wrong that we see in the world today is our wrong as well as our neighbour’s wrong, as well as our supposed enemy’s wrong. It isn’t actually wrong at all.
It is the story that we have been telling ourselves for eons. And it is coming to an end. And it ends with us deeply processing all of the trauma that has ensued and coming into peace with it, coming into unconditional love as a default setting in us.
We do this by realizing that it all served the All as it informed the All. And then loving ourselves and all of humanity for our service to the All.
What happens as we become unconditional love is that we begin to radiate joy and love more and more and we then literally and actually shift our timeline and shift our timeline and shift our timeline again and again and end up in radiant joy and unconditional love that knows nothing but radiant joy and unconditional love.
We become love and light, joy and gladness.
And then we will begin a new adventure.
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