Tuesday, January 8, 2013

From Within Outward

It used to be that I was focused on the world around me and would find time to focus inward. These moments of inward focus were cherished and felt delicious and nurturing.

Today, I realize that my focus must always be on what I am within. More than that, what I am within is determined by my intention.

If I intend to be a manifestation of divine love in the world, then I will be. This is the way of things now.

If I intend to be joyful in the moment, then I will be.

If I have no intention of how I will be from within, then I will default to whatever is feeding my thoughts and feelings in the external world. So, either I determine my being, or the physical world that surrounds me determines my being. And this is happening moment by moment.

I choose to determine my being from within, through intention.

I used to mark holy days on the calendar, the solstices, the equinoxes and a few other holy days during the year, by being very mindful of my being from within. I would emanate the love for ALL and the deep honouring of ALL that I truly am on those special days.

When my father died, and we had a service for him in a church, I sat and mindfully emanated my love for my father, my honouring of him, of his life, and my full presence in that place for that time.

It is time now, for me at least, to become this mindful emanation through my intention in every moment, every day.

Thus do I begin to live my life in a new way; new for me, even though I have lived so carefully for so many years. I begin to live from within outward.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful writing, Lu! I'm so happy to read your writing and to learn that you now have 8 books published. Congratulations! I look forward to reading your insightful, encouraging, and well-written posts.

    Your former editor,
    Sue K., The Writer's Cottage
