Thursday, January 3, 2013

Are You Struggling?

I have a friend who is really struggling these days. Everything seems to be falling apart for this person, including his career, finances, home situation and health.

If you are struggling these days, this post is written to offer you some concrete steps that you can take to improve your life from this moment forward.

If you are not struggling, but you know someone who is, please pass this on to that person; we can help each other easily these days and when we help each other, we change the world.

My advice to my friend, is the advice that I will give to anybody who is struggling.

First, the easy part. Drink a lot of water every day. Breathe deeply and slowly for fifteen minutes every morning or evening, or both. Eat lots of fruit and vegetables. Move your body every day by going for a walk, moving your arms and legs in any exercise routine, or dancing a bit right there in your home.

Now, the more challenging part. Replace negative thoughts and feelings with positive thoughts and feelings. Monitor your feelings. Feelings lead to thoughts, which then increase the feelings. For example, if you are feeling resentful, you will have thoughts about the things that you feel resentful about, which will increase your feeling of resentment. Then your thoughts will become even more a litany of reasons why you are resentful. It is the same with anger, with sadness, with feeing victimized by a world beyond your control and so on.

Replace a feeling of resentment with a feeling of acceptance. Replace a feeling of anxiety with a feeling of trust, or of gratitude for one thing.

This is the challenging practice which is of utmost importance at this time.

You see, our feeling state, our state of being, creates our next experience. That experience then creates the next experience and so on. We always create from this moment. We always create from our feelings, which impact our thinking and our experience of life.

When we realize that we always have a choice about how we are feeling, no matter what is happening around us, we can begin to create our next moment not from the struggles we have been experiencing, but from the feeling of hope, gratitude or trust that we are choosing. This makes our next moments feel better, which makes it easier to continue to create feelings within ourselves that are uplifting, empowering, encouraging and enlivening.

Eventually, and it doesn't take very long, we look around and realize that we are feeling much better and that our situation does not require struggle any longer. We can then feel gratitude, joy and appreciation for our experiences and continue to create from these feeling states.

Ultimately, when you are feeling love for yourself, joy in your being, appreciation for all that you are experiencing and gratitude for all that you see around you, you will create for yourself a life of joy and gladness. This is always done moment by moment.

Begin with the simple steps that I have outlined above. If you have any questions or would like more information, feel free to contact me through my website at

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