Friday, November 9, 2012

Make Your Choice

There are so many stories, so many programs running, about what we are here on Earth and what we are doing here.

There is a program running through the collective consciousness of enslavement. It is a very strong program, a very strong story, that we can all feel to a greater or lesser extent. There is an associated program of victim and perpetrator, also known as ‘good guys and bad guys’ and we have run stories associated with this victim and perpetrator dynamic for millenia.

We receive much information, much of it conflicting information, about what we are and what we are doing here, especially at this time. We have also been told frequently that our discernment is very important at this time.

I choose to believe that whatever comes to me, as point of view, as story, as information, comes for a reason. Therefore, I will listen, or read, and then process the information, fitting it into my sense of what is true, what is worth paying attention to… I will ‘make sense’ of it.

Recently, something came to me which conflicted very strongly with my sense of why we are here and what we are doing here. This prompted me to write this text. This is my ‘sense’ of what we are and what we are doing here, where we came from and why.


All that Is wished to know itself. All that Is therefore split/broke into a multitude of Isness being separate. Instead of being One Allness, All that Is became many Isness’s. And the game/experience of ‘Who Am I?’ began.

And this was a beautiful and terrible game/experience. Because for All to be Nothing was unfathomable, so an answer to the question ‘Who Am I?’ was a constant imperative. And one of the most compelling things to be is to be in opposition.

It is easy to push against something. So, as Universal Beings of Light, divine, creative and immortal, these Isness’s began to move either with or against each other, feeling the edges of their Isness. They were feeling what they were not, so as to better understand what they were. And there was a lot of pushing and bumping and at the level of divine creator being, this meant a great deal of movement, creation and destruction on vast scales to our human minds.

This went on for all of ‘Now Is’ until quite recently in the story of All-being. And it was felt by some that this served nothing and no one and was a block, a dead-end. We were all stuck in our attempts to return to the Oneness, yet honour the Isness which we had become.

Some were becoming more and more oriented toward cooperation rather than opposition, toward recreating the Oneness from which they had emerged through the energy of unconditional love while retaining their own Individuality as I Am’s.

Some continued to move toward more and more individuation, separation and definition as I Am not what you are.

There were two movements in the I Am’s, or individuated Isness’s, some moved toward Unity with ALL within the Self as unconditional love and some moved into even greater differentiation and separation from all that is not Self. Neither is better than the other. Both serve the ALL as ways to answer the question: What am I?

Some have labeled these two types of service as Service to Self or Service to Others.

Ultimately, all That Is as individuated I AM desires to return to the Oneness from which it has emerged, but in the interim, we play games, tell stories, create and destroy whole universes and experience, experience, experience.

Earth is a grand and novel experiment in one story, told from one point of view. Earth is a prison colony in another story, told from another point of view. Take your pick as to which one you will give your energy to.

Earth is populated with Divine Creator Beings, also called human beings, in various stages of awakening to their I AM beingness and their sovereignty. There are a tremendous number and variety of stories of enslavement, cruelty, and suffering on this planet. There are also a tremendous number and variety of stories of joy, love and triumph over terrible adversity. We are embodied and dense, slow, and only more or less aware, although this is changing. We have created stories, dramatic plays, poetry, novels, films, artwork and musical compositions, sculpture and even landscapes to express the fullness of our experiences on this planet. We love cliff-hangers with their great suspense. We love come-back stories, where one triumphs in the face of seemingly impossible odds. If experience is the currency of the Allness, we are incredibly rich.

I believe that experience is the currency of the Allness.  I believe that we are here to slow the vast and lightning quick creation and destruction and conquering and enslavement, the endless game of trying to steal energy, to amass a vast holding so that we become more and more and more until… what? Until finally we are All again. You can probably see my bias. I do not believe that this power over others will get us back to Allness. Indeed, it will not.

I believe that it is Love, the Love that Yeshua ben Joseph (aka Jesus Christ) brought here and that we have carried as a golden potential ever since, that will bring us back, ultimately, to the All from which we emerged. I can feel it in my heart and I am joyful within this feeling.

We are here, Divine Creator Beings, to slow and weigh ourselves so much that we can bring these creations and destructions, these acts of enslavement and degradation, torture and stealing of energy, into a slow enough pace that they can be truly seen for what they are, so that compassion and love for self and others can slowly emerge from the chaos of our strivings.

We mirror the universal battlegrounds of the All as Many trying to make sense of the task of answering the question, ‘What am I?’ We came here to do that.

We came from all over the galaxy and from further galaxies. We are supported by many who remain off-world but intent upon our doings, our becomings and our success in our work to bring a new energy into the universe.

We have been ‘quarantined’ from other worlds, from other Divine Creator Beings, for this work to be done. Those who have been screened from us, who have perceived the screening, have perhaps wondered at why it was there, have perhaps come up with their own stories about why it is/was there (for the screening is thinning, dissipating, dissolving now).

And this brings me to what I want to say here.

I believe that nothing happens for no reason. My friend brought to my attention a text of an ‘interview’ with an alien. (If you’d like to see it, you can google it, I suppose. I won’t provide the link here as I do not wish to do so.) This text is thought-provoking because it gives us the view of our planet and of our being here from the point of view of an off-world Divine Creator Being who is NOT part of this project, not as a human being on the planet, not as part of the angelic support group off-planet. So, we then are given a view of ourselves as we are seen by others who call us prisoners, trapped in servitude, crazy, perverted, etc. And it makes us question ourselves, and question our stories.

I believe that the Being who communicated in this interview is one who has grouped herself with a Service to Self group, believing that constant expansion through conquer and control of others is the ultimate path to Completion and Union or Reunion with the ALL. I believe this because of the focus on opposition to others that I perceive in this being through the communications provided in the interview transcript.

This kind of experience is perfect for us at this time. It is not surprising to me that this came to my attention now. This experience serves us. For the veil is lifting, the screen, the quarantine, is lifted and dissipating. There will be more of these encounters to come. And it is perhaps best for us to prepare ourselves for this.

For me, this preparation comes as growing clarity about what I Am and what I Am doing here and why. For me, this preparation culminates in knowing beyond all doubt and all questions the truth of my being Love and Compassion, of holding within that love and compassion the ALL. For we do not go Home to Union with the Divine; we bring Home and that blessed Union with the Divine into us and so into the world.  

What we have done, we have done for the Whole of the Multi-verse, the vast beingness that is the ALL. This is what I believe. Our work is largely done. We have created love and compassion. We have grown them and contrasted them to all else. We have, many of us, chosen Love as opposed to Fear, Service to Others as opposed to Service to Self. And when we feel into it, we can feel this new energy within us. I call it compassion. I call it unconditional love.

Some of those who come now to see what we are, will be deeply implicated in the stories of dominion and conquering, of opposition, of us versus them. These are the off-world ‘wars’ that we have heard about. This is the fifth dimensional ‘chaos’ that we have heard about. We are re-entering the galactic environment which is populated with these energies. Our choices remain the same. Do we choose love or fear? It is time, for those of us who open ourselves to these questions, these experiences, to make our choice knowing that we are not alone in the universe and that we are in no way less than the other Divine Creator Beings who populate the universe.

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