Friday, September 27, 2019

Deep Healing of Humanity's Pain

I'm going to share with you something that I experienced as deeply healing on a very personal level. When I shared this with friends, they expressed to me how it helped them to hear of it, how it opened something up within them, and so I have decided to share it more widely here. 

I was experiencing pain in the soles of my feet that was making it really difficult for me to walk, to sleep, to have even a moment without pain. I went into the forest outside my home and asked for help from my guides. I specifically called in Yeshua and Kwan Yin. This is significant for me because although Yeshua is deeply present within me and in my healing work, Kwan Yin has not been One whom I felt to call upon for help. In this instance I did feel to call upon Her and she came through powerfully.

I could feel how the pain in my feet was associated with a very deep grief. My usual process is to ask questions of myself and my guides and to listen for any answer and then to use muscle testing to get clarity. I asked where this grief was coming from - what was the trauma or suffering that I was in grief about? The memory came into my consciousness of a composition that I wrote in grade six. I was very emotional about that composition. I don't remember what the assignment was, but I remember that I wrote about the beauty of the natural world, of wild flowers and trees and how terrible it was that we were destroying these with bulldozers and machines to pave roads and excavate ditches and so on. I loved the natural world very much as a young child and was sensitive to its destruction as I lived in an area of housing and old farmland that was quickly being "developed" into more and more housing. So, as soon as that memory came up for me, I knew what the grief was about. It was about what we humans do to the natural beauty, the delicately balanced eco-systems and the sweet and precious wild places of our planet. 

In keeping with my usual process, I asked of myself that I fully feel the grief inherent in that eleven year old girl, the version of me who wrote that composition, the version of me who has grieved over and over again through six decades on this planet at the destruction and pollution that we humans have brought. 

I felt almost unable to bear it. But the key to healing is to allow ourselves to fully feel our emotions. I was breathing deeply to move the feeling through me, sobbing a bit, feeling an amplification of the pain in my feet as I focused on this terrible grief. 

I could feel Kwan Yin wanting to come through. As a person who has channeled many times, I know the feeling quite well. It feels like a mild pressure in my throat, in my voice box, and an urge to surrender to it and let the expression come through. I began to direct voice channel Kwan Yin. This means that my voice was Her voice. Although I was alone in the forest, I spoke aloud.

Her compassion was deep and vast and brought tears to my eyes as I felt it move through me. She said, "It was love." And I knew that she meant that the grief I was feeling when I was eleven years old and in many subsequent moments was actually love for the planet, for the beauty and the Life and the perfection of this home we have here. 

She said, "Your grief was not in error, Beloved, however, your grief was mistaken." And with deep compassion and gentleness she said, "There are no victims here. Every animal, every insect, every tree and grass and flowering plant is a being of sovereignty, of love and of light, a being that is eternal, vast and perfect in its service and in its expression at all times."  

I breathed this in over and over again into my heart. I needed to really feel it. There are no victims here. 

No matter how it looks, no matter how terrible it all seems to be; there are no victims here. 

I could feel the horror of having seen wild places destroyed for profit, for a rich man's gain. I could feel the grief of our seeming carelessness with those who are innocent, the deer, foxes, toads and salamanders. She said, "There is in truth no innocence and no guilt." I had to really let that sink in. I did some more deep slow breathing. 

I could feel the truth of what Kwan Yin was saying through me. 

It doesn't mean that we should not care about the ecosystems. It does not mean that we should destroy the Earth's beauty or trash the Earth's pristine wild places - those few that remain. Our love for and care for our fellow Earthlings honours the planet and raises our vibration. Our respect for ecosystems brings responsibility and careful loving energy to the planet. Every time that we act with love and careful honouring of the Earth, we raise our vibration and contribute to the evolution of the human collective. You might feel it in your third eye or in your heart.

We do not need to hold onto the deep grief that I sense so many of us are carrying. We don't need to hold onto the guilt, shame, humiliation and sorrow that we might feel for having been a human on this planet. We can do the work of letting that go. We can free ourselves from that. 

For one person with whom I shared about this experience, my sharing represented an opportunity to work with her own physical pain that she sensed was connected to this grief at being human. And this might be true for you as well. You may have physical pain associated with grief or guilt at what humans have done to this planet and its creatures. If this is true, I hope that what I experienced can help you to clear this pain from your physical body as you clear the grief and guilt from your emotional and energetic being. 

For another person with whom I shared this experience, she felt the emotional impact, but had no physical pain. This may be true for you and if it is, I hope that what I experienced can help you to clear the emotional energies of sorrow and grief from your being. 

At this time, we - as a collective - are focusing deeply on climate change and on the damage we have done and how we can move forward in ways that will repair, regenerate and heal the planet's ecosystems and our own relationship with the natural world. This is huge. It is happening now and it is intense. Many emotions may be felt in relation to this - everything from despair to rage to a powerful sense of purpose and determination to do whatever it takes to replace careless and ignorant destruction with true loving stewardship. 

Ask for help from the beings who resonate for you as guides and helpers. For me, it is often Yeshua and indeed, as I did that deep work of feeling the grief and moving through it, Yeshua was there for me, helping me. It might be angels or archangels whom you call to. It might be Kwan Yin or Gaia herself. Ask for help because this is huge and hard and intense for us. And these off-world beings are there for us, to help us with this. 

I see us coming together as a global family to create beautiful solutions. I see us using the incredible power of the natural world with deep respect and great hope. Trees sink carbon back into the Earth. I see us learning to value the trees as we have not valued them in eons.

Eco-systems can and do recover. I've witnessed it as I walked the banks of the Saint Lawrence River over decades and saw the birds, fish and amphibians return to health there. 

We will do this and as we do, we will bring ourselves into health and create a global human family. 

Every choice you make matters. Every thought, every loving breath you take, every time you go into your heart and choose peace... every one of these matters deeply. 

Thank you for sharing this with others. I intend that my experience of pain might help others to release their own.   

In love and peace,

Lu Emanuel

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