Monday, December 19, 2016

Joy and Delight

My energetic frequency is joy and delight, complete faith, acceptance, surrender and flow. The surrender is a breathing into what is; it is a surrender to the here now both within and without.

I’m luxuriating in free time, being well rested, the -20 celsius stillness outside under a clear blue sky. I’m breathing into, sinking into, the relatively quiet time of mid-winter with great joy laughing and dancing within me. 

This new beingness dances joyfully with what is – whatever it is. 

And the gift that I gave to myself last April at Walden Pond, in that vast sky lit room, the gift of sitting with pen and paper with no expectation, I’m enjoying that gift right now. 

When I got home from that journey out and back, I realized that this place is as beautiful and peaceful, the energies as nurturing, as at Walden. In fact, here it is quieter. Here stretches such a luxurious skein of beauty, peace and plenty that I have no need or desire to go anywhere else. 

I remember sitting in that room ~ how I felt freedom and space to be ~ how precious these seemed, how dear; I feel them now ~ freedom and space to be, joy and delight. 

I’ve been in this state before ~ a state of apparently heightened appreciation. I’ve experienced this when driving or walking; it’s not so uncommon for me. Yet, I feel that I shift my being now such that this heightened appreciation is a constant within me. I noticed it on the drive to and from ~ especially from ~ Montreal the other day under a white sky surrounded by white snow, every tree branch a grace note as my husband and I sped along the snow-blown highway. I noticed it while visiting my mum and in the grocery store and at the singalong at Grace Church Hall and, indeed, at the singalong I led at the assisted living facility last week. I notice it more and more these days. 

I notice it as I look out, as I am here in this chair. I am no longer dependent on what is “outside” of me for what I feel aka what I experience. Like the refugee in a wheelchair experiencing life as joy; our song of higher dimensional freedom sounds in the world at this time. 

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