Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Each Human Heart Contributes

I’ve been very engaged in the world over the last two days. 

It calms down a bit this evening and then into the next days the weather is forecast to change dramatically with wet snow and grey skies. 

All of this feels different than ever before as I am changed. My priority is to hold compassion, light, love and joy in my being – not just for myself, but for all the human collective. For what we are is what we transmit; we broadcast our energetic frequencies and affect the collective.

Peace, excitement, orgasmic pleasure, wealth and gratitude are all frequencies I am putting out in this ‘self and collective’ way, and something else as well. 

I used to run a frequency – though at that time I would have called it a belief – of faith in planet Earth. It was when there was a lot of despair about Earth, around 2012. It was – and still is – a faith in the vast creative being that is this planet to make it through and recuperate fully. 

Now, I’m running a frequency of faith in humanity as well. 

We can do this. We ARE doing this. Fear and hate become love and compassion. Violence becomes reconciliation and eventually peace prevails on our planet. 

Together we do this – each heart contributing to the miracle of this transformation of our collective. 

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