Steady as she goes, my darlings, my fellow travelers through
this vale of tears and fears and chaotic energies.
If you’re paying attention
to the world right now, it seems as if all hell is breaking loose and it is
very easy to feel overwhelmed by it and to wonder if we really can and will
make it through to peace and love and joy.
We will.
And we will because of all of those on this planet who,
like you and I, access the love that is there in our hearts and using breath
and intention radiate and broadcast that love out into our own bodies and into
the world.
If you are feeling fairly detached and able to help, you
can do so by going into your heart, accessing the love that is always there,
always present, always available, and sending it with your breath through your
entire being, your body, your mind, your emotional being, your energy. Let
every part of you be washed in a wave of unconditional love. As you do this,
you radiate love and light to all the world.
If you are feeling emotionally triggered by something that
is going on around you, take a breath, go into your heart – that is where we
find all the answers now – and access that love. From there, just be with
whatever it is you are feeling. Breathe with it. Acknowledge it. Just be with
it and be at peace with it. Don’t resist it or try to make it go away. It will
clear out very quickly. Almost as soon as you face it fully, it will clear out
as you breathe with it.
Throughout these turbulent times, these days of noise and
fear and uncertainty, go into your heart and choose what it is that you would
like to experience as your being. Know that as you choose, you choose not just
for yourself, but for the world. For as you fill yourself with – for example –
the feeling of gratitude, you send that out into the world as well. Choose your
frequency. Choose what it is you would like to be and to experience as your
being. Perhaps it is peace. Perhaps it is gratitude or joy or love for all of
humanity. Perhaps it is hope and faith.
If you feel that you cannot choose because you are too
upset or too worried realize that you are being emotionally triggered and let
yourself feel it.