I realized that the natural world brought me peace and
joy, always.
I realized that Goddess worship and Earth-based
spirituality, also called paganism by some, was a way forward for me because it
used the power of words, the power of vocalized song in the form of chanting,
and the beauty and power of the natural world, (the natural world’s frequency I
would now say, although I would not have used that word then). I realized that
paganism was a great fit for me.
I realized that spellcraft was specifically directed at
the self and the self’s experience of the world, rather than being directed at
the world which would then conform to the self. Spellcraft, I realized, changes
the self and so the self experiences the world as changed.
I realized that I loved the world anew through spellcraft
and could do Earth healing, whereby I sent that love out to the world as an
energy for the Earth to do with as Earth chose to do.
I realized that spellcraft is healing of past traumas; it
is the bringing into wholeness of a fragmented self, a self that has fragmented
because the pain or distress were too great to bear, so they were repressed and
pushed away. Spellcraft worked actively and consciously to allow awareness of
these with compassion and then to release them through rituals of release and
I realized that there was a point of presence and a point
of power or will inside of me. Again, I wouldn’t have used that phrase ‘point
of presence,’ but it fits now; I use it now. That point of presence was big.
I realized - and it blew my circuits - that I could
embody the consciousness of Gaia. I ‘aspected’ Gaia, which is what new age
wiccans call it when we drop our selfhood down down down through our body,
through our feet and then bring in, call in, the aspect of a Goddess or
off-world being. I aspected Gaia, and I haven’t been the same since. I was
Gaia, in the body of this little human being.
I realized that each of these many Goddesses are aspects
of the ONE, which is neither male nor female, neither creator alone, nor
destroyer alone, but all things simultaneously.
I realized that I could again begin to use the word God,
although both the words God and Goddess are completely inadequate to THAT which
we feel as God/Goddess.
I realized that I wanted to feel into the One whom people
call Jesus the Christ. I realized that I didn’t want to throw that particular
‘baby’ out with the filthy bath water of Christian dogma, cruelty and
I realized that I didn’t need to do ritual out of doors
to achieve that feeling of union with the divine in the world, that feeling of
union with the spirit of the world; I could do ritual within my small room and
be as big as the world. I also realized that whenever I walked out of doors,
whenever I walked the land, I was communing with that spirit of the world.
I realized that psycho-therapy was again a healing and
transmutation of past trauma and old wounds and scars from wounds; the methods
that worked well for me as a client in psycho-therapy took me into awareness of
the trauma, allowed me the time and a safe space to observe it with compassion,
and thus to transmute the woundedness, just as witchcraft had done.
I realized that I could do the work of psycho-therapy on
my own and I began to do this whenever I was ‘triggered’ by overly dramatic
responses within myself to external stimuli. This practice was exceedingly and
invariably beneficial to me; I developed the courage to ‘see’ the past trauma,
the wound or the scar with compassion and thus to transmute it with, as I now
would say, unconditional love, although I would not have used that term then; I
would have used the term compassion.
I realized that I didn’t need the external symbols of
spellcraft; I had internalized them.
I realized that I didn’t need to ‘protect’ myself by
casting a circle. I still loved to call in the directions, the energies and the
spirit of the world in the form of Goddess, but more and more it was becoming
all one thing, all one calling to and then receiving. I realized that wiccan
ritual was no longer appealing to me.
I was about 41 years old by this time.