I walked this morning in the forest below my home. The ground was damp from recent rains. Mushrooms of all colours grew - acid green, sulphur yellow, crimson red and tangerine orange. My toes were wet in my shoes and my shoulders were cold under my too light sweater. I was joyful beyond all reckoning.
Joy is not comfort. Joy is not ease. Joy is not certainty.
All around me was a world that fed my soul with joy because all around me was what I love and tend toward. Joy is the expression of our spirit in the world of form. Joy is the exultation of our divine nature in the time and space of this Earthly realm.
For some people, joy is making music. For other people, like my friend and neighbour, joy is making jams, jellies and good whole-grain breads upon which to spread them. Some find their greatest joy in mighty struggles; they climb mountains or undertake vast works of scholarship. This is their joy. It is the expression of their spirit, the exultation of their divine nature.
For each of us, this joy is unique and perfect. Each of us, in our joy, make a gift to the world that is precious beyond all the gold and silver that you could possibly carry, for our joy brings joy to the world and there is nothing more perfect, nothing more fulfilling, nothing more radiant than that. It sings.
There is a sense of completion in joy. There is a sense of having attained the end result of all of our travelling through time and space, all of our longing, all of our reach and grasp and pull.
Joy is not about money, although sometimes it might seem that way. If a person's joy is to climb Mount Everest, then they'll need a bit of funding, won't they? But it's not about the funding; it's about the climbing and the ascent, the grand endeavour and its end.
Once we have known joy, once we have fully felt ourselves awash in the depth and breadth and force of the energies of our joy, we can never again lose it. It is ours. The frequency of joy is the sum total of the frequencies of all of our love and all of our appreciation, all of our gratitude and all of our achievement, all of our being and doing and knowing and seeking to know. The frequency of joy is our dance in love and light in the world of shadow and substance, allowance and resistance.
Joy is not easy. Joy is not shallow. For it sounds the sum total of all the notes of our being in the world. It is our deepest expression of appreciation for simply being alive and uniquely ourselves.
When we tune our frequency to joy, we tune to the exquisite perfection that is our being in the world, a unique and individuated expression of the ALL as one. That's why our joy is unique to each of us and what brings me joy may mean nothing to you except wet shoes. When we tune our frequency to joy, we sing our own unique song of love and light into the world and the world responds by giving back to us that same joy, that same love, gratitude, appreciation, enjoyment, rapture, pleasure and sense of completion in attainment.
The frequency of joy is that magical place where we are in love with All There Is and it all echoes back to us that same love. When we are tuned to the frequency of joy, we live in effortless grace and synchronicity, serendipity and resonance with all that we love and enjoy.
It is heaven on Earth.
It is within our reach.
The path to joy is really quite clear; follow your heart, follow your love, follow your truth. You'll come thus to joy by and by.
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