Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Let's Be Clear

Imagine integrity. Imagine living in a world where everyone is clear and clean in their being, filled with pure compassionate honesty and expressing it with everyone they interact with. 
Imagine that clarity within your own life. Imagine how free you would feel if there were nothing – not one single thing – that you were hiding from the world. Imagine being that open, that clear, that pure in your expression of yourself in the world. 
Imagine if everyone you knew were that open and that clear. 
When we look into the eyes of the very young, babies and young toddlers, we see this clarity; they don’t have any secrets. When we commune with our unconditionally loving dogs and cats we get a sense of this openness, this simplicity of being in the world. It is clear and clean and there is freedom in this for each of us. 
Imagine our government filled with people holding that clarity, that honesty and integrity. Imagine our story-tellers and journalists, interviewers and interviewed, politicians and attorney generals and judges and chiefs of police – imagine all of us shining clear and clean and well in our integrity with each other. 
And send this imagining out into the world, for the world is in need of it at this time. 
And be what you want to see in the world, for you make the world by your thoughts, words, actions and energy in every moment. 

Shine your light. 

Be that which you know yourself to be in your best moments. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

A Choice of Worlds

Jayda Wakes

Jayda wakes to a choice of worlds. It feels like, “Oh, my God. The world is so fucked up!” Or not.

Or not.

The feeling is of a hum of something not quite known. The feeling is in Jayda’s heart and holds promise, whereas ‘the world is so fucked up’ holds only frustration, fear and sadness. Arising from bed, Jayda chooses, stepping forward to begin her day, shifting her focus to the droning hum, like the sound you hear just before the kilted man begins to play his bagpipes.

It feels like love. This love is expansive; it has no object. Everywhere she looks, Jayda sees with the eyes of love. The kitchen is beloved and the coffee pot is a dear friend. Breakfast is fair sustenance, the harvest of the best the world has to offer. This is the good life. Tastes are savoured and the morning’s quietness fills Jayda’s consciousness with a single word – gratitude.

The natural world beyond her windows calls and Jayda strides out and into the forest below her home. Vast trees stand solemn, holding the hillside as sacred just as measured monks hold the chant in some ancient abbey. There is great patience in the woodland, seeming infinite, and Jayda feels deeply met by the powerful presence of these trees. Below her, down the hill, she sees her neighbour, Phin, walking the trail on an angle to her own path. They will most likely intercept and she thinks about Phin as she moves forward, again her heart filled with the hum of some great wisdom.

He has told her his name – Phin, short for Phineas. He lives with his wife and child and they live a good life. Jayda has felt his energy as stable, wise, knowing the pleasures of simplicity and understanding the land’s pace and timing. She can feel this now as they slowly draw nearer to each other. In her forehead, she can feel her own knowing, her own power. Phin and Jayda greet each other simply and easily. As Jayda continues and Phin moves beyond her, she feels the great reach of Phin’s energy. His quiet calm being informs the air around him and goes much further.  She feels the reach of her own energy. She feels great love and vast compassion for all that is. She feels it as a wave. She feels how this reaches all the way to the Arctic and to Brazil.

There is pulsing being there on the hillside as wave upon wave of magical becoming radiates from Jayda. This is the way of it for her, having chosen. In her choice, Jayda makes the world.

Pervasive Peace

Pervasive peace is in the world. The trees, grasses, flowers and rocks are radiating peaceful energy. As Jayda and 5.9 billion other people walk or stand on the planet, they feel this peace within them. Peaceful energy flows between and around all of these people and they are well; they are at ease.

Some still suffer the stresses and tensions of resistance and strain against their own fears. This struggle is within, yet appears to be outside of them and they perceive enemies in their own kin and kind. Jayda can feel these people just as she can feel the 5.9 billion. She sits with her friend Sondra and together they create compassion tones, long droning tones from hearts filled with compassion. Droning tones that sound like moans or like cathedral speech in tongues flow from their small circle. Great powers of transformation are in this circle and there are other circles like this – some larger, some very large – all across the face of the planet. People gather to move energy, to share possibility from their hearts to the hearts of those who are not in peace.

Where there is peace, there is compassion. Together they sound like a vast and mysterious gong that is gently, but purposefully struck again and again and again. Like the compulsive force of a woman’s labour to birth, waves of pervasive peace sound in the world and the people come into peace within themselves one by one.

This coming to peace is an act of courage as it requires of each one that they face their own pain and fear, their own feelings of hurt. These cannot live in peaceful hearts and must be ever so gently released to make way for peace. This is the work of self-transformation that is being done and has been done by the courageous sons and daughters of humanity. The light of this peace within is soft, but infinitely and perfectly transformative; all that is the world is changed by it.

As Jayda and Sondra sit after toning, they feel this infinite and perfect peace. They feel also the echoes of fear and anger, pain and suffering that are in hearts not yet at peace. Compassion for these fills them as they sit in a peace that passes all understanding. It is vast and true and beyond comprehension. Once more, they tone and in their droning moaning tone, they send peace out into the world.

It looks like wellness in people’s eyes, in their open faces and easy stance. It sounds like a hum of easy conversation and an intent listening to know common ground and create common good. The land basks in peace that looks like August sunlight, even in Winter. Peace shares good news and celebrates a neighbour’s success. It is rich in that which makes life good, joyful, easy. It smiles a smile of sweet and simple love.

Peace engenders cooperation, collaboration and co-creation. These move across time zones and transform whole landscapes in careful co-habitation. Gardens grow. Places that knew poison are cleansed and health is renewed upon the land from soil biota to the airy heights where birds soar. The vast trunks of trees hold peace within them and offer it through their reaching branches to the universe beyond Earth’s lovely skies.  


There is in Jayda’s heart the energy of justice. It is a steady, sure sonorous drumbeat within her being. As she breathes, Jayda sends this out into the world to everyone everywhere. This too is a choice and for Jayda it feels essential.

Justice moves with measured steps on every road and sidewalk, in every jurisdiction, every town and province. Cities are built on justice, on the careful creation of good for all. When people live right beside each other and on top of and beneath each other, sharing and caring justly is the foundation of the good life.

There are those who feel they have been harmed, that injustice has been perpetrated against them. Jayda can feel these energies if she scans the energetic field of humanity in search of them. The way forward for those who hold onto these energies of harm and victimization is to come to forgiveness and release the endless cycle of victim and perpetrator. Realizing that we have all, in our infinite being, played the role of perpetrator and the role of victim moves us into wholeness and allows justice to sound steady in the world.

Jayda loves the way that justice feels within her. She knows a man, Jon, who studied law and sought justice through the laws of the land. She reaches out to Jon to ask him of his life now, now that justice informs the very ground underneath their feet.

Together, they walk on sacred ground on a grey day in early May.

“Do you miss it?”

“Not really. I moved slowly out of the adversarial system of advocacy and arbitration, crime and punishment that we all lived with for so long. I could sort of feel that it wasn’t taking us anywhere we wanted to go and it seems others had the same sense of it as cases became fewer and fewer. I started doing more and more mediation and remediation work, using the excellent model of restorative justice in First Nations communities. In those circles, resolution and the restoration of good will and trust between people is always the goal.”

“That feels strong and loving. Is that what you do now?”

“Here and there I am called to help in such cases, but they are more rare as people feel from their loving hearts to act in careful and respectful ways with each other. So, what I do more often now is to bring people who are still fearful and in need into contact with peers who are free of fear and filled with the wisdom of love and respect for all others. I mostly do this with older people as our young people are so clear and joyous, but there are some young ones still, those who have known great trauma and are struggling, who need to see and feel what it is to live in open trust that all is well and all will be well.”

“From what I hear you saying, I understand that you feel fear is what pulls people into acts of injustice and disrespect of others.”
“Yes. Fear and trauma – untransmuted trauma that acts like a darkness within us – these are what drive people to do harmful things. As we all are moving away from fear completely and are so lovingly transmuting the trauma within us, becoming clear, becoming whole and knowing ourselves as love incarnate, as divine love, as the very embodiment of kindness, we just don’t go there anymore.”

“And old lawyers get to go for lovely walks on country roads in the middle of the week in the middle of the day.”


“There are places in the world where justice is only beginning to be felt and trusted, known and understood. I can feel them. Do you ever think of traveling to these places, to bring a clearer sense of justice to them?”

“I trust that what we love and value in our world, the justice, the respect for each other, the care for each other, that these will travel from our hearts to the hearts of people all over the world.”

“I feel the same way, Jon. It fills me with gratitude for your being to hear you speak as you do here today, for I feel the same way. Justice fills my heart and I send it out from me as I breathe.”

“Justice feels round and perfect, like this planet when seen from outer space.”

“Yes. Justice feels inclusive, like the divine love within us, and like the sun shining onto each person equally.”

They walk in beauty and in silence for a time before going their separate ways at the bottom of the hill. The joyous feeling of love for all things, of peace with all people, is in their hearts.

The City

Jayda lives in the forest, far from any city, far even from a large town. When she travels to the city for an appointment or to visit a friend, she habitually tenses up. To relax into the noise and movement of the city is a choice for Jayda. It is a choice of worlds every time we choose peace with where and how we are.

Jayda travels to the city and feels the tension within her as she sets out on her journey. She chooses acceptance, flow and feeling open to what is. The day is stormy and grey. Jayda sees people hurry through the high winds playing between the tall buildings.

Everywhere, people are active, moving from here to there, engaged with their lives and with the many people around them. They speak multiple languages, wear all kinds of different clothing styles and hair styles. They all share their humanity with each other. There are multitudes of people living, working and creating together in the city. They are colourful and diverse. The global village is in the city.

There is plentiful delicious food of many cultures in the city. There is innovation and transformation of all kinds. Rooftop farms in the city provide healthy organic vegetables. Front and backyards are flled with flowers and plants providing healthy food. Playgrounds are everywhere and there are many beautiful parks where people gather in peace and simple joy.

Jayda feels the city’s energy. There are stories, songs and styles in the city. There is a great mix of emotion, thought and movement. The city is for humanity what the jungle is for insects; prime habitat. Every square meter of the city is maximized for sustainability. There are green walls of living plants and greenhouses of food production. Transportation of people and products is magical. Or so it seems. It’s easy when you have the technology and in this world, the technology is lovingly creating ease for all.

Where Jayda lives, in the forest, there are foxes, coyotes, bears, deer, moose, racoons, porcupines and skunks, among many species of bird, many species of frog, toad and salamander and many species of insect. In the city, there are also foxes, coyotes, racoons, skunks and many species of bird. Some birds live more easily in the city landscape than they do in the forest. Species of frog, toad and insect live in wetlands and carefully stewarded tracts of woodland within the city’s borders. Trees are particularly valued and tended in the city and the city’s parks are deeply shaded, as are many boulevards.

Tall buildings house people’s homes and businesses in the city. People live close together and in this way the city is a place of great learning and personal growth for all the people living there. It is a constant invitation to become. Jayda sits on a bench in a small park near a busy city street. She feels, hears and sees much to love and value in the city. The world contains both Jayda’s quiet mountainside forest home and the city and everything in between these two. Everywhere, people are living lives of sacred becoming, deep learning, constant change. Everywhere choices are made moment by moment. Jayda chooses joy in the city and finds beauty there as well.

The Children

The children are as light upon the Earth.

The children are filled with joy and enthusiasm. They play and create worlds. They move and enjoy their bodies. They focus their minds on questions and quandaries and find simple solutions and elegant truth.

The children access knowledge, skills and abilities from past lives and from across the galaxy. They can do this as their parents and grandparents cannot. They do this easily, without realizing that it is new on the Earth. They play musical instruments as if having had years of practice. They bring information through that they haven’t learned yet. They are adept at knowing things that they have never been taught.

The children easily and naturally hold inclusion in their hearts. They play and learn with every skin colour known to humankind and every gender and sexual orientation rainbow hue. They know each other as one aspect of humanity’s vast being and find it good that this is so. They dismantle the polarity of humanity’s yes and no, male and female, up and down power structures without even realizing that there was something there to be dismantled.

The children create worlds without even trying.

As the children bring light into the world, Jayda feels lighter, feels more joy. Jayda tunes her receptivity to the children lighting up the world and smiles and knows great gladness in her heart as she realizes what it is that the children bring to Earth. They solves centuries old conundrums in a heartbeat of inclusion and acceptance. Their open eyes and open hearts heal wounds of humanity that bled for over a thousand years. This light upon the Earth shines out, like car headlights on a dark night. Then more and more of this light shines until the dark night is as day and the light is everywhere.

The children grow up and grow older and as they do, they become the wise counsel to us all; they create and choose worlds that are golden in our sight.

No Lack Nor Want

As the days go by in her choice of worlds, Jayda feels within herself a vast sense of completion, a sense that all is as it should be at all times.

Jayda looks around her and sees beauty, peace and love permeating her world. She feels no lack nor any sense of want. She feels no need to acquire this or that to complete her. She feels complete and knows that she embodies the perfection that is inherent in all things. This feeling and knowing changes everything for Jayda.

When we make a choice of worlds, we automatically include all the people whom we love in that choice. It works like this: when we choose a world – say, a world of peace and plenty for all – each of our associates, colleagues, family members and friends shows up in that world as a version of themselves who also chooses that world. There are infinite worlds and infinite versions of each of us. When we choose a world, we invite those we know and love to join us there.

Thus, Jayda is not alone in her feeling of being complete, of having no lack nor want within her. A vast and seemingly endless cycle of consumption to feel complete within and then desire because of the return of that terrible feeling of emptiness within and then more consumption and more desire… is released. It is no longer part of Jayda’s world. Instead there is joy with what presents itself in every moment, every day. There is a delight in sharing this joy, sharing one’s being with others. Song and stories, laughter and playfulness emerge spontaneously and are shared easily. This world is a joyful place.  

This joy with what is ripples out and touches more and more people. It touches people who are unknown to Jayda. It changes the economy of her region, country, world. It changes what is consumed, how and when and how often. It changes the ecology of her region, her country and her world. Everything matters. Everything is connected to everything else. Jayda’s feeling of delight with what is changes her whole world in every moment with every breath that she takes.

At times, often at sunset, Jayda sits and looks out into the forest and feels a vast peace within her being. She sends this out from her on a breath and then another and then again. She feels the fulfillment of her being in sharing this peace with the world and so she sits and sends it out on her breath with a vast love for all of humanity within her.