Friday, May 24, 2019

Helping Humanity at This Time

I am feeling into the human collective and feeling the terrible sense of guilt, shame and despair that is currently there. It’s freaking intense. 

I’m holding compassion and willing myself to do this because it is almost unbearable. I could say that it is unbearable, but I bear it anyway – like Samuel Beckett’s characters

Indeed, the only comparable time I can feel here is the last year or two of the second world war when humanity’s terrible inhumanity became impossible to ignore. 

I felt into the word ‘ignore’ this morning also. Ignorance means not knowing. So, to ignore is to purposefully resist knowing something. I feel how the fear of feeling means for many people that they will do anything they can to avoid it and that means ignoring what is real in our world. 

What is happening now is that it is becoming impossible to ignore what is real in our world. 

For all the talk of ‘fake news,’ it is the truth about ourselves that is actually overwhelming us.

Humans fear. 

Humans hate. 

Humans deny and delude themselves. 

Humans are terribly weak. 

Humans are deeply ashamed of their humanity much of the time. 

Humans fear of lack has driven us to want more and more and always more so that we are destroying the planet’s eco-systems. 

These are truths about humanity that are very difficult for us to bear. Yet bear them we must.

All along on this journey of becoming I have said that courage is needed. Now more than ever we need to choose courage to face our own feelings and choose wisdom to transmute them with love and compassion. 

What we face is bleak, yet beautiful; allow yourself to feel as this is your strength.