I’ve been watching TED talks on youtube and then reading the comments below. I have never done this before. I am - for some reason - drawn to them. When I am drawn to some experience, I assume it is relevant in some way and this time is no different.
I noticed a lot of stridency and discord in the comments. I have heard similar things before from various areas of our collective space and it seems to be that those who are angry and voicing resistance to 'leftists' and 'liberals' are saying something important about everyone being accepted and respected.
They / We (because there is no 'they' and it is all 'we') have been saying this for quite some time now.
Liberals don’t understand. “But we DO respect everyone!” they say. Yes. I get it. Liberals respect everyone except those who fear and mistrust and begrudge and … Liberals respect everyone and everything except the fear that is underneath.
And that fear needs to be loved and brought into the light. We respect everything except disrespect, disregard and the incipient ubiquitous fear that feeds these. It needs to be seen and heard with empathy and compassion.
And until it is, it continues to ‘act out’ all around us.
I don't know how caring and loving individuals will respond to the collective's very loud and dramatic expressions of fear. It is a very challenging time for all of us. I do know - beyond any shadow of a doubt - that love is the answer.
Compassion is the response that I choose.
The repeated comments calling for a non-judgmental response to fear and loathing, for a non-judgmental response to calls for exclusion and the 'circling of the wagons' both metaphorically and actually, is the call of all of humanity for our deepest, darkest most fearful aspects to be seen and heard with compassion.
Always with compassion.
Feel free to share this post. It goes along with what I said a few weeks ago https://www.facebook.com/lu. emanuel.5/posts/ 1489439037761971?pnref=story ; there are no enemies. There are people who are troubled, afraid and struggling. And we are all in this together.