It is neither light nor darkness and yet it is comprised of them both, partakes of them both. It is like a marriage of all that is good and all that is evil in our world; it is that place or space wherein they love each other and together make something greater and more loving than either of them are on their own. And as I write this, I am aware that I am writing about light as well as darkness.
This joining and being All Love Loving All is greater than just the light on its own. I can’t explain why exactly, except that it is integral and indeed central to the planet Earth project at this time.
I found myself standing and being aware of all that I have just written here – although less intellectually, verbally aware of it. I then began to do light language.
The light language, as always, comes through me and is not directed by that which I am as human being. I am a channel for the light language, a universal language of energetic vibration, to come through.
The light language transmission was directed at this love infused mingling of the darkness and the light and was essentially conveying this message: “You are greater together than apart. You are love becoming something new in the universe. You are creating something new in the universe. You are doing something incredibly powerful and important, something never before done. You are blessed in this. You are loved in this (by me – by All that Is).”
And then sometime later, having descended Cooke North almost to Schweizer Road, I did light language again, again directed into that space where the light and the dark together make something that is comprised of them both but is neither one nor the other - that is something vastly transmutational and redemptive.
By then, the light was greater and the space where the two co-mingle in neither-one-nor-the-other- balance-and-becoming, that space where together they become something other than and greater than either one of them alone, that space was now only to be found low down and tucked in under lower hanging boughs and crouched among rocks on the side hidden from the sunrise.
The light language then said, “You who continue to hide your darkness from the light, who continue to fear the light for what it might find in you, come out and be loved, come out and be brought into the healing and the joy of light’s loving caress. Allow yourself to be known; there is nothing to fear.”
And it is thus that we create a world that is no longer riven by polarizing hatred and fear, but rather holding a great peace born of the light’s unconditionally compassionate acceptance of the darkness and the great courage that the darkness finds within itself to allow itself to be seen in all of its flawed and shameful fear and loathing.
This is a great work and it is being done at this time and it is ours to contribute to and support.
If you call yourself a lightworker, know that your light’s greatest work is with the darkness both within you and all around you in the world.
Much love and appreciation flows from me to you.