Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Healthy Habits for Ascension

Well, they work well for me. I don't claim to be anybody's guidance. You are always your own best guidance. But these are things that have really worked well for me, so I present them here for you.

Firstly, I have been moved to bring my divine essence into the soles of my feet. I know I have mentioned this before, but it bears repeating because it is such a powerful exercise in becoming a spiritually being embodied. This has really shifted my sense of myself as God also. It is visceral and fully embodied within me.

Then there is the practice of radiating unconditional love for ALL. This has changed everything for me. I live in a different world because of this.

There is also the practice of staying in the here and now. If I stray from this, I gently bring myself back to it.

Another practice is to slow oneself down, breathe slowly, and put oneself into alignment with the rhythm of the universe. When you feel it, you know you're there. It just feels infinitely peaceful and calm. In that alignment is divine grace and you can feel that divine grace as well, when you are in alignment with the rhythm of the universe. It is almost as if the universe has a heartbeat and you are slowing and aligning yourself with that sacred rhythm.

Another way of being that can be profoundly helpful is to realize that I don't need anything or want anything to change from what it is in this moment. It is to delight in the unfolding, no matter what it is, whether it be pain, or ease, being busy, being happy or feeling empty in the moment. These are all experiences. We came here for experiences and at the level of the soul all experiences are of great service to us.

Surrendering into the now in this way has brought me into an ease and wellness that I had known only as a vague potential.

These are some practices that you might like to try. For me, the practice is the journey and wondrous grace and joy unfold from these practices. There is nothing else that I would rather be doing and no other way of being that I would prefer for myself.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

All that We Are

Our physical bodies are bio-chemical and electro-magnetic vessels of wondrous complexity and efficiency. Through our physical bodies, we respond to the energies around us constantly and for the most part, without conscious thought about this response.

Our physical bodies respond, change and transform themselves to align with our energetic being.

Our emotional bodies are the realm of our emotions, of course, but they are also a sort of playground between ourselves and all of the other beings that we encounter and experience in this Earth realm. Our emotional bodies are like spongy reactive buffer zones between us and the people and animals around us. They provide rich catalyst for our soul's evolution. They challenge us to bring more and more love into our being. Our emotional bodies are where we feel and respond to the world.

Our mental bodies are shifting from third dimensionality to fifth dimensionality. As third dimensional mental bodies, they are comprised of sharp-edged and judgmental thought forms based on lack, separation from all others and fear. As the new fifth dimensional mental bodies come online, they are much softer thought forms that are expressions of the love that is centred in our hearts. The heart center loves unconditionally all that is, and is in unity with all that is in its wisdom. The mental body as a heart / mind combination, expresses that love through creations, intentions, ideas, thoughts and expressions.

And we are changing now. We are changing rapidly and completely. So take the time these days to center yourself within your physical, emotional and mental bodies. Take the time to focus on your breath for a few moments every morning and afternoon. Center yourself and move and express from that center.

Let us, at this time of unprecedented change, be all that we are. All that we are.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Love Your Life

Do you love your life?

Do you really, really love your life?

I mean everything about it.

Not because it is easy, or because it is exactly what you said you wanted...

Rather, because it is a wondrous thing, this being in the world. Every single challenge, every effort, every project, discovery, realization and experience is amazing, is LIFE, is Being in the World.

Souls line up to come here. Souls wait and then prepare themselves and then come in to this amazing creation, this incredibly cool game, to play and be and be moved and challenged in ways that can happen nowhere else in this universe.

And what we are doing here now on this planet, on this Earth, in the world of becoming is nothing short of miraculous, wondrous and unprecedented. Yes. Unprecedented. We are changing the world. Now. Here. We are changing the universe. Because the world is part of the universe and the world is holographic, as are we. So we change ourselves, we change our world. And when we change our world, we change the universe.

I mean, how cool is this!? And how amazing does it have to be for you to get excited about being an integral part of it?

So I ask you again.

Do you love your life?

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


I am practicing being in the moment at all times. At all moments, being fully focused on what I am doing and being in that particular moment. What am I feeling? What is my frequency?

What this does is to free me.

I feel that I have all the time in the world because I am never out of the moment.

This is key.

I intend to master this being in the moment.

Practice will bring me more of this wonderful freedom.