Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The Rhythm of the Universe

I enjoy being wholly present in the Now, from the Heart. This requires that I slow down to the rhythm of the Universe.

This is a rhythm that is markedly slower than most humans are. Slow down and quiet your breathing. Now slow again, as if matching the pace of trees growing or your own soul's knowing.

It feels as if the world is very still when we are within this rhythm. It feels like the rhythm of really good poetry. It feels like the rhythm of a well-performed ritual. It feels like the solemnity and sacredness of a moment of transition or of miraculous insight.

By slowing ourselves to this pace, we bring ourselves into a different way of being. It is one which I now enjoy very much.

Some call this fifth dimensional being. Some call this Ascensional being. Some call this divine human being.

When I am in this way of being, I know no lack, nor fear of lack. I know complete peace with what is and what was and what will be. I know gratitude, joy, appreciation of all that I encounter. And for me, it often begins with this slowing to the rhythm of the universe. You'll feel it. You'll feel it within you and know it. Ah. It will feel like a great relaxation and a coming home. Ah.

A deep breath and then another and then another. These three will invoke the slowing and coming into the rhythm, the sacred and perfect rhythm of the Universe.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Body Issues

Today, I am in so much pain that I can barely move. It will pass, I hope.

What I ask of myself is complete acceptance of this experience and of every experience. This acceptance is the gateway to unconditional love of self.

And this unconditional love of self is necessary if we are to experience heaven on Earth.

So, I explore unconditional love of my self, unconditional love of my physical body, which is the part of myself that I have had the most difficulty with loving.

My body is not beautiful in the way that we define beauty these days. It is fifty-four years old. It is short and squat and broad and fleshy. It is often unable to do the things that I would like it to do. I often experience pain in my body, or discomfort.

Yet my body is a miracle of being. It is a biological electro-magnetic and energetic vessel of consciousness and experience. It is my passport into and through the realm of the physical, and it is in the realm of the physical that I have pledged to create a turning of dark into light, of fear into love and of despair into joy.

I have looked long and hard in the bright cold light of a winter day at the image of my body in a full-length mirror. And I have forgiven my body for not being what this society tells me my body should be. I have come to see my body as perfect just as it is. It was not easy for me to do this, and it did not happen quickly. It took a long time and I had to admit my own feelings of self-blame and self-loathing before I could move into the self-acceptance that truly does feel like a miracle of love.

The path to this is one of unconditional love. Love the part of yourself that has not loved yourself. Love the part of yourself that has judged yourself as unworthy, your body as fat, your legs as too short and then love the part of yourself that is your body, is your legs and belly and thighs. Then move on from there, always with more love, always with more acceptance of the truth of your being.

It is through my body that I am able to be love in the world. It is through my body that I am able to court the frequency of unconditional love and to share it, to ground it into the Earth and to radiate it out to others. It is through my body that I am able to create and experience heaven on Earth.

I am celebrating the wonders of my physical body, seeing my physical body in a new way, as a vessel for what I AM.

What I AM is love. What I AM is love in the world. It is not so easy to be love in the world as it is to be love in some celestial paradise. I made a pledge to be love in the world. And a part of that work, a large and difficult, but essential part of that work, is to love my own body, just as it is.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Help Yourself

I was feeling sludgy unpleasant energies in me. I was feeling emotions that brought me down in my frequency. I was feeling ego concerns and some anxiety.

I began to make myself feel much better. I will share with you what I did so that you can do it for yourself if you choose to.

I lay down and took some deep breaths. I identified what I was feeling, and realized that I really didn't like it and didn't want to be feeling that way.

I began to imagine warm salted water, like the water in the seas and oceans of our beloved Earth, but nice and warm, washing through my being. I felt how the warm waters were cleansing me. As I did this, I continued to breathe deeply and slowly.

Then, I imagined the beautiful violet flame of transmutation cleansing and transmuting those unpleasant energies. The violet flame is a healing and transformation tool for all of us to use. You can research it on the internet if you would like to know more about it. But if you just want to use it simply without knowing more, imagine a cool, magical violet flame. It is composed of pink, blue and golden light. Together, these colours make the violet flame. It dances gently about and where it goes, it transforms energy to pure love and peace. It can only do this when you are ready to allow love and peace to come in.

After I brought in the violet flame, I realized that I was working first with water, as in the west, and then with fire, as in the south, so I thought about light and the energies of the east. I brought in another beautiful and powerful tool that we all can work with to help ourselves. I brought in the golden light of the Christ energies. We can do this by envisioning the golden light flooding into our body and heart. We can do this by filling our heart first with the golden light and then sending it all through our body and our being. Or we can do this by invoking the name of Yeshua, which carries the golden light of the Christ for us. This energy is profoundly loving, peaceful and compassionate. It is profoundly healing, as it brings us into full acceptance of what is. And this acceptance is always the first step to true healing. This golden light is unconditional love and it feels like heaven on Earth. In fact, when we bring this golden light in, or invoke the name of Yeshua, we are helping to create heaven on Earth by doing so.

Finally, I thought about the energies of the north, which is associated with earth, with stone, with crystals and with manifestation. By now, I was feeling filled with love, joy and peace. From the north, I saw crystalline energy, pearly white and shining and filled with a sense of vast potential to become. And I saw this crystalline energy moving toward me like a promise of  divine grace becoming more and more visible in my world. It was vast and powerful and so pure and true that I could only be in awe of it.

So, when you feel sludgy and down, imagine warm salted water washing your energy field, then the violet flame of transmutation working to cleanse you of all that is not love within your field, then the golden light of Yeshua, of the Christ, filling you and then finally feel the crystalline energy that you and I are literally becoming.

Help yourself!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Creating Through Frequency

What we are feeling informs us and colours our energy. Our energy is our frequency.

(You can find out a lot about creating through frequency in my book, The Frequency of Joy. Go to and search for Lu Emanuel. There you will find my books. The Frequency of Joy will give you a clear instruction manual for creating through frequency.)

We create by being what we are being. Our energy creates what we experience. We cannot now use our minds to create our lives. It is our frequency and our being that creates our lives.

That is all. It is very simple, yet changes everything.

So, it is now a practice to adjust our frequency in the eternal now moment. From a frequency of worry, move yourself to a frequency of trust in the divine flow. From a frequency of resentment, move yourself to a frequency of gratitude.

And so on.

That is the way forward for me and I believe that it is also the way forward for all of us. There is great joy in realizing ourselves through our frequency. Our experiences unfold from us as we radiate the frequency that we choose. Choose wisely.