It has multiple components, but they are all very simple. Together, they transform the Self.
The first is physical. Bring the divine that you are, meaning the unconditional love that you are, into the soles of your feet on a regular basis... whenever you think of it, whenever you become aware of your feet.
The second is emotional. Radiate from your heart unconditional love for all that you experience, both within yourself and outside of yourself.
The third is mental. Be here and now. Whenever you find yourself projecting back into the past or forward into the future, just bring yourself back to here and now.
Other aspects of this practice are to slow yourself down so that you can sense the rhythm of the Universe... by slowing your self down, quieting your mind and feeling for it, you will feel it. It is quite slow... like our breath when we are meditating... or our being fully present for a friend, as that friend is trying to come through with the words to say something really difficult to express.... it is mindful presence.... very slow. When you do this, you will feel the rhythm of the universe. When you align yourself with that rhythm, you will experience divine grace.
Within that slow universal rhythm, you can ask yourself the question: What is true for me now?
And the practice becomes the journey. Wondrous grace and joy unfold from this practice. By aligning ourselves physically, emotionally and mentally in this way, and then slowing ourselves to the rhythm of the Universe, we realize profoundly that we don't want or need anything to change. We surrender into what is and this changes everything for us.